-Chapter 19-

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Hannah's P.O.V

Charlie and I got into the car and was going to the hospital, almost speeding.

"He moved?" I asked with a smile on my face. It felt like forever since I last had one spread across my face.

"They said that something is waking him. Or it's triggering movement." She also had a smile on her face.

I sat back and leaned my head on the seat bringing my hand to my stomach. He's finally going to come back to us. Come back home. To me. The baby. His fans. Dean.


I wouldn't have to do this pregnancy alone anymore. The baby will have their daddy. Grow up with him in their life. School functions, sports if they want to do them. All of it.

We pulled into the hospital parking lot. Getting out and going into the lobby.

Checking in the secretary smiled probably seeing my grin. She's seen me before for all the times I've been here and had a saddened look on my face.

"You look very happy." She said.

"I am." I smiled big. Standing there with Charlie. And then finally going to the elevator.

I looked into Charlie's eyes and they almost seemed sad. "You okay?"

"Hm? Oh uh yea. I'm okay." I could tell she forced a smile. I didn't want to question it though.

"Oh. You know I'm here to talk?"

"Yes I know." She cut me off before I could say anymore and went out of the elevator.

With me following the doctor stopped us.

"Mrs. Winchester," he smiled. The first time I've seen him smile this whole time, "I'm sure you heard of signs that Mr. Winchester has shown that there is a chance of him waking up."

"Him moving? Yes. Yes I have."

"Good, now when he does wake up it will most likely be panicked. So when he does press the nurse call button and the nurses will be in."

"Okay thank you sir."

He let us go and we went into the room. It's always hard coming in and seeing him like this, but the new spark of hope in my chest makes it the slightest bit easier.

I went over and sat in the chair that sits next to his bed. Gently placing my hand on his and I felt him jerk.

"Well at least he feels you now Han." She smiles. I look up to her with a grin spread on my face.

"Sammy. It's me Hannah, I love you. You're okay I'm with you." I tried to reassure him.

I looked up to his face. He looked as if he was having a nightmare, Ive always been able to tell. His forehead wrinkles are more noticeable and his eyes are shut tighter than usual, but still he couldn't wake himself up.

"Sam, I need you to do whatever you can to come back to me. To us."

I gently stood up, taking his hand and placing it on my stomach, slowly I felt his hand relax. Like he finally felt some sort of peace in his world.

Sam's Coma

If I hear that song one more god damn time. I will rip my ears out.

Hannah, and Dean, have both died over and over. I lost count after 100. I don't know why or how this is happening. I just want it to stop.

It's happening again.

I woke up to the blaring sound of heat of the moment coming off from the radio. Hannah must have woken up early and turned the radio on. I hurriedly reached over to her side of the bed and turned it off.

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