-Chapter 13-

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Hannah's P.O.V

"Sammy, your baby girl is waiting for you." After that I broke down. Not being able to take it anymore. I fell to the ground and cried. "Please, Sammy wake up for me." I cried.

It hurts so much to go through this pregnancy alone. Alone without Sam. The love of my life. The father to our baby. My everything. All gone because a drunk driver.

Deciding to look up to him hurt more. Seeing his hand dangle off the bed lifeless sent a aching sting to my heart. Barley pick myself up off the ground. I stood up. Still sobbing and crawled into the bed.

At this point I didn't care if I was told to get out. I needed to feel his touch, even if he wasn't holding me as we watched a movie. His slow steady breaths, even though they weren't the ones I would wake up to in the mornings. His heartbeat in my ear, even if it wasn't when we were laying on the couch snuggling close.

His arm wrapped around me, I pulled the thin white blanket up over my legs and wrapped my arms around his chest. Laying my head over his heart to hear the beating of it. My head lifted to see his face. The beard I so love grown on him and his hair slowly getting longer than it was the day he crashed.

Slowly, my hand ran over the hairs of his beard. All scraggly. Sniffling I lay my head back down on his chest and pick at the itchy fabric of the hospital gown. Not wanting to leave from this moment. His embrace. Not there, but also there at the same time.

It was all too soon when the doctor walked in, "I-I'm sorry ma'am. I-I can get off the bed." I sniffle.

I seen the heart ache in her eyes from seeing me everyday. "Mrs. Winchester, please call me Mandy, and you don't have to move. I can talk to you from here."

So I stayed, just like that. Nuzzles into his chest as she talked. Not really paying attention, but enough that I would still know what she is talking about. After long I had drowned out all the sound slowly slipped into sleep, not knowing she was still there.

I opened my eyes to see Sam standing at the kitchen island making lunch for the both of us, not knowing what happened I walked over and gave him hug. More like trying to wrap my arms around him with the bump in the way.

"You decide to get up from your nap?" He smiles and turned to me and pecked my lips. I felt hunger and need for more once he kissed me that I pulled his face down. Deepening the kiss wanting it to last longer. He held my hips. Not letting go, but pulling away from the kiss and smirking. "Did you have a certain dream about me?"

Shaking my head no, a smile appeared on my face. "I just wanted to kiss you I guess."

He smiled and rubbed my baby bump, leaning down and pressing a kiss to it, "Hello my little girl, Daddy loves you." He said between kissing the bump.

I shooed him off and pecked his cheek as he stood up, "And Mommy wants more kisses." Chuckling he leant back down and kissed me again. Holding there for a moment before his warm lips leaving and turning to the lunch.

I decided to sit and watch him. Rubbing my baby bump and watching him contempt. This was all I wanted in life. To be with the love of my life and grow our family.

That was taken away from me when I felt someone gently shaking me awake. All of a sudden the white hospital room was back. Groaning and rubbing my eyes. The man that woke me up stood right in front of me.

"Hannie. Please. Let me take you home. To your bed." It was Aaron. Immediately I sat up and pulled him into a hug. Not letting go.

"Ar. Please. Let me stay." I sigh, taking in the warm embrace from the oldest of my brothers.

"Hannie, the hospital bed isn't good for your back, the curled up position isn't good either. Especially for the baby."

Knowing he was right, but not wanting to leave Sam's side I protested. "I won't leave him for long. I sleep better with him."

"Okay, at least let's go get lunch. Just me and you. We haven't had that in forever." I sat up more at the edge of the bed. Looking back to Sam.

Sighing I agreed. Not wanting to at first, but I gave in. I was getting hungry. So I had to do the dreadful thing and say goodbye to Sam. Kissing his forehead and moving the hair from his eyes, I left with Aaron.

"How far along are you now?"

"I'm two months." I looked down to the bump. The thought that I've spent almost 3 of those weeks alone. Without Sam. Sent a pang to my chest. Taking away another part of my soul that had been etching away already.

Aaron hugged me to him, taking me to his car. Leaning against him I thought of all the times when we were kids that we would joke and play around. We might be 10 years apart, but we still had a good relationship.

"Where would you like to eat?"

Sliding into the car I gave him my answer, "We could go to Texas Roadhouse?"

"Okay, Do you need anything while we're out?"

"I should really get groceries." I haven't ate that much, but only shopping once in the three weeks to avoid his fans giving me a pitty party. I know it's selfish, and that they're wondering how he is doing, but I didn't want to talk about it.

He turned the radio on so it wouldn't be dead silent as we drove to the restaurant. I leaned my head on his shoulder. Slowly drifting to sleep again.

I know it's short, but I didn't want this one to be too sad.

Future me here, It's sad. I don't care though. 

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