-Chapter 18-

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Sam's P.O.V

Dean was driving and I sat in the passenger seat. Thinking about the baby, and Hannah.

"Whatcha thinking about Sammy?" Dean asked glancing over to me and back to the road.

"The baby," I smiled, leaning back in my seat, "I can't wait until they're born."

He chuckled and patted my back, "What do you want it to be? Boy? Girl?"

"Uh. Girl. But as long as they're healthy I'll be happy."

He just smiled and kept driving. Turning on the radio and humming along. Drumming his fingers on the leather wheel he pulled into a gas station.

He got out first and I after him.

"Need anything from inside?" I asked when he pulled the hose from the pump.

"Get a case of beer won't you."

"Okay." I walked inside of the gas station. Going straight to the alcohol section. Grabbing a case of Dean's favorite beer. Afterwards I went down the candy aisle. Hannah has been craving chocolate covered pretzels lately so I picked up a bag and went to the cashier.

She gave me a weird look and scanned the beer and the pretzels. "$15.89."

I paid, and left. Feeling her stare on me the whole way out.

Dean was already in the impala as I put the beer and pretzels in the back. Ducking down and getting in the front.

"Where are we going now?"

"We need to pick up that thing for the video."


"Dean I don't know what it's called. I forgot."


We sat quiet for a bit just driving along and listening to Deans music. I must have dozed off at some point because I woke up to Heat of the Moment by Asia.

"Rise and Shine Sammy!"

I groaned and sat up. My eyes adjusting to the light as he pulled into the parking lot.

Turns out it's a weapons shop.

"Why the hell are we here!"

"Yea. So I lied. I remember what we needed." He got out quickly as I followed him.

"And what was that!"

"A knife."

"A knife!"

"Yes. Now come on." I grumbled and followed him inside.

"Hi we're looking for Rick?"

The guy looked at us weird. "Uh. Are you two? Together?"

"No we're brothers." I glared.

"Oh. Uh sorry. I'll uh. Go get Rick." He left walking off and kept glancing back at us.

Dean just sighed and looked around. "Sam look! It's a grenade launcher!"

"You ARE NOT getting a grenade launcher."

"Why not?"

"Cas would kill me if he knew I let you get one."


"Winchesters'! Good to see you!"

I turned around and looked down at the short man. Probably about 5'6. Has a little pudge that makes his shirt tight tucked into his khaki pants. His bald head shining from sweat.

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