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The Clan Of the Swift and Orderly

Grassclan was founded by Grass Flower; a pretty lilac colored
molly with a plumed tail, yellow-green eyes and a white spot on her nose. She was a kittypet-specifically a pure bred Javanese- who ran away to live as a stray. She took on a colony name to better fit in before eventually earning her nine lives and leader's suffix. Many of her clanmates were former show-cats and breeding cats who collectively ran away; they yearned to set their own destinies and sought out the freedom that would allow them to do so. When the leaders officially founded their clans, Grass Flower's name was changed to Grass-star.


Grassclan is proud to call the vast meadow their home. They live South-West of Split rock. Grassclan has a wide open territory, though they do own a portion of the forest. A small sheep farm sits on the far west side of the territory, providing the clan will prey in Leafbare and wool to line their nests.
Grassclan shares borders with Treeclan, Mountainclan, and the Twolegplace. Mountainclan remains mostly peaceful with the group, although some hostility comes and goes between Treeclan and Grassclan.


The Grassclan camp was made in the heart of the meadow. Its sits upon a hilltop, surrounded by tall grass and a wall of brambles which protects it from enemies and the harsh winds of Leafbare. Inside the camp is a plethora of bushes and rocks, many of which were brought to the clearing when the clan settled in this new camp. There is a giant smooth boulder referred to as Tall Stone which decorates the center of the clearing. This is where announcements are made and ceremonies are held. In a crack on the back side of the boulder is where the leader's den lays. On the opposite side of camp sits the Nursery in a dugout under a large honeysuckle bush, lined with wool. Next to the nursery is a boulder with a crack in it where warriors sleep. On the left side of the nursery is a gorse bush that the elders call home. On the opposite side of camp is a small tree which is covered in ivy where the medicine cats treat the injured and sick. Finally next door is the apprentice's den, set up in a hollowed out pile of rocks


Twoleg Farm- a farm that sits on the southwest side of the territory. It's primarily used for sheering sheep, but contains various other animals and crops. This is where Grassclan gets the wool they use for their nests, as well as some unusual name ideas for their kittens

River- A freshwater river running down from the waterfall in Mountainclan territory. It shirks farther east, becoming a creek as it flows into Treeclan territory. The currents eventually meets with the ocean just beyond the Land's Star territories

Forest Patch- a small patch of forest given to Grassclan by Treeclan long ago as part of a sort-of peace offering. It's also the border between the two clans

Rabbit Gorge- a small dried up gorge where a large rabbit warren is located. Its a popular hunting spot

The Dip- a ditch towards the South-eastern part of the territory where apprentices are trained

The Twoleg Bridge- a large bridge that goes over the river. Cats cross it on their way to Split Rock, or to get to the other half of their territory and the Forest Patch

Body types:

Pure Grassclan cats have short silky fur, large ears, long skinny tails (sometimes they can be plumed and fluffy), lean lanky bodies, long narrow muzzles, tall strong legs, and slim paws with delicate pawpads. Purebred Grassclan cats never have tufted eartips. Cats outside the clan often describe these cats as sleek and majestic like rabbits.
The usual coat colors found in the clan are Torties/Calicos, Ginger tabbies/bi color, Fawn, Cream, Lilac, Colorpoints, Grey solids/bicolors/tabbies, Black solids/bicolors/tabby, Brown solids/bicolors/tabbies, and White bicolors. Fawn, lilac, ginger, and brown tabby cats are considered some of the most attractive. Colorpoints are also sees as desirable, as they are described to look very mystifying by the clan. Some common eye colors are yellow-green, yellow, light amber, and brown with yellow-green being the favored color.
Cats in this clan look most like the following breeds: Oriental Short Hairs, Javanese, Siamese, Abyssinians, Bengals, Domestic Short Hairs


-Grassclan cats are notorious for being neat freaks. They like to keep themselves and their camp looking clean and well cared for. They try their best to avoid any activity which could get themselves dirty

-They are usually described as intelligent, gentle, quiet, and serious. However, they are also said to be impatient and pompous. This could be because of Grassclan's farthest ancestors who were mostly kittypets.

-Their scent is compared to that of wild flowers. Its a little known fact that Grassclan often use wild flowers to decorate their nests and dens (especially the medicine cat's and elder's dens) as well as use them for aroma therapy

-They absolutely hate rain. Patrols will often be postponed because of it. All cats try to stay in their dens during the rain. However they're surprisingly ok with snow

-Grassclan apprentices have races and love playing mossball out in the training field during their free time. They also have a tendency to chase butterflies

-Their usual prey include: rabbits, gophers, mice, vole, shrews, moles, and even groundhogs on some occasions. Pheasants, quails, and most birds are considered a rare delicacy.

-Grassclan has the longest training period, lasting until a cat is usually around 14 moons old. They want to be certain their cats are completely ready before naming them as warriors. Medicine cats have longer apprenticeships, lasting until a cat is about 16-18 moons old

-They see crickets and grasshoppers as good luck charms. An expecting queen who hears their song is said to be blessed and will have a prosperous, lively litter.

-Hummingbirds are also seen as good luck, as they also indicate good hunting spots. Hunting them is forbidden, though apprentices and kits like to chase them

-On the other hand, snakes are seen as a bad omen. Seeing one, especially while hunting, is said to predict an oncoming food shortage.

-Grassclan cats will not hunt livestock on the farm within their territory. They fear doing so will anger the farmers, leading to the cats being hunted themselves. Even in times of great need, it is forbidden to catch prey on the farm, with the exception of mice, if given permission by the barn cat.

-Grassclan like to use bracken and wool to create nests. Wool is especially essential for the nursery as well as during colder seasons

-Grassclan is the only clan to utilize a buddy system. Cats are evaluated during apprenticeship to see who they work best with and are assigned Partners at their warrior ceremony (unless a cat who the leader wants to pair them with is still an apprentice). A cat may be reassigned to another cat should they have a problem with their current Partner, or if their Partner has died. The clan follows this practice to protect cats out on the open meadow where they are more vulnerable to be attack by birds of prey, especially while hunting

-Grassclan is known to be the quietest clan in the Land's Star. Most Grassclan cats have more calm, level headed demeanors, and are taught at a young age how to get their point across without yowling. Though, of course, there are always exceptions

-Their kits are thought of as some of the most bizzard looking, as most Grassclan kits are born with giant ears and large eyes. Wayward kittens from this clan are easy to identify and return home. Of course, cats grow into their odd features by the time they're made warriors.

-Grassclan was the second clan to have formed in The Land's Star, right alongside Treeclan.

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