Holidays and Events

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The Land’s Star have quite a few holidays, both celebrated nationally and individually. Not every clan celebrates their own holidays, but regardless they put their differences aside a few days a year to join together to celebrate

Nationally Celebrated Holidays:

The Longest Night- (a semi-canon holiday. One of the Erins [I think Kate?] wrote a short story about it) Just like Christmas and New Years together. Takes place on the winter solstice. Cats give each other gifts and decorate the camp with pine cones, holly, mistletoe if they can find it, and winter flowers. Cats give gifts to one another on this holiday. Queens like to hide fresh-kill and things to play with under their nests to surprise their kits with come sunrise, and apprentices and young warriors give gifts to the Elders to honor them. The next morning all the cats wake up early to watch the sun finally rise, ringing in the new year and the true beginning of Leafbare

Mate’s day- Similar to Valentine’s day. Cats spend the day with their mates or confess their love to one another by giving gifts. This usually occurs on the first day of NewLeaf. A lot of kits are conceived on this day. Each clan has its own unique courtship rituals that they follow, but regardless the cause is the same

The Green Gathering- a fun daytime gathering held at the start of Greenleaf between the 5 clans where cats compete in challenges to determine who’s the best at particular skill out of all the clans. This is to celebrate surviving through another Leafbare. Medicine cats act as the judges of these events. Only apprentices and warriors can participate in these events. Queens and elders enjoy betting among themselves and the leaders like to keep track of the bets

The Day Of Remembrance- This is a day to honor warriors who have fallen through the past year. Stories of past battles and fond memories about those who were lost are shared during this time. During the day, cats who are able to, fast until sundown. Come sundown, everyone shares a meal and then sit a silent vigil in the center of camp for the rest of the night. During this time of silence, cats take the time to pray to Starclan and thank them for watching over The Land’s Star

Clan Specific Holidays


Bloom's Day- A holiday which celebrates the return of the wild flowers in Newleaf. Grassclan celebrates this holiday by collecting the new flowers and decorating the camp with it. Flower crowns and flower collars are made and worn on this day as well. During the evening, a rabbit feast is held


Twoleg Madness- a week long holiday in which Oceanclan celebrates the return of Twoleg crowds in Greenleaf. Apprentices work extra hard this week to get food from Twolegs. On the final day, Oceanclan holds a huge feast and gorge themselves on nothing but Twoleg food


The naming of a deputy- This is not an event that can happen on any specific day or during any particular time. However it is very important for clans to name a deputy once the previous one is no longer in power. How each clan goes about choosing a new deputy varies:

Grassclan is the fairest when it comes to picking a deputy. Leaders of this clan will always judge a cat by their skills and loyalty to the clan. Those who work hard and care for all of their clanmates will be the most favored for the deputy's position when it opens.

Due to their socialness, the choice of deputy is a clan affair. Treeclan cats will often discuss among themselves who they feel is the best choice. The leader will listen and take careful note of the cats suggested, and will usually choose a new deputy from that pool. However, sometimes the choice is more difficult, and the decision is declared by the popular vote.  

This clan has the most controversial method of picking the future leader. In the beginning, cats would fight for the right to become the leader. Strength is highly valued in Oceanclan, and so only the bravest and strongest cat would be accepted as deputy. More recently, however, the deputyship has been handed down through biological inheritance. This tradition started with Jackstar. It was passed on with Tidestar, then his daughter Pebblestar, and most recently her brother Wavestar. Currently, though, this tradition will not be continued due to Wavestar's kits being deceased. For now, the deputy is named by the leader's personal choice.

The position for deputy within this clan is filled with the help of the clan's medicine cat(s). Mountainclan leaders value their healers and their opinions, as they are in direct contact with Starclan. Though this does not render them capable of picking the best deputy, it does however (in Mountainclan's opinion) make them very wise. Plus, medicine cats are unbiased, so their choices are mostly based on facts and observation. There are rare instances though, where medicine cats will be spiritually led to notice certain individuals more than others

Deputies are mostly chosen in this clan by personality and morals. Marshclan's leaders will always pick cats who are not too much like themselves. This is to maintain a balance, as differing opinions between two higher ranks could be crucial in making important decisions for the clan. With a cat who holds different opinions comes an unbiased voice of reason. "Yes men" are seldomly chosen for the position. However, a deputy is never chosen based on opinions and personality alone. A cat must maintain similar morals to their leader, and hold a common understanding that whatever they do reflects on the clan. So battle hungry cats and pacifists usually don't make the cut

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