Myths, Legends, and Stories

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The clans, like many societies, have other beings they believe in or pray to, such as certain spirits, ghosts, and cryptics. Here are the most famous among the Land's Star:

The Sun- This spirit is said to be the father of the ancient clans and of cats themselves. Cats also believe that he is the creator of all living things on the earth, though not necessarily the planet itself

The Moon- AKA Silverpelt. She is said to be the mother of the ancient clans, and of cats themselves. Clan cats believe she watches out for them, taking a rest only one day a lunar cycle for herself. She lets cats come to live within her pelt when they die in the mortal world so she can protect them for the rest of existence. This is where Starclan resides. Cats believe she is the being who gives prophecies for Starclan to relay, and casts judgement on those who arrive in the Twilight Passage. She's also believed to be the one to give out powers. This is the only divine spirit that Oceanclan wholeheartedly believes in, as the moon is believed to control the tides

Lionclan, Cheetahclan, Tigerclan, Leopardclan, and Lynxclan- Ancient clans said to exist long before cats were created. Their stories didn't come into existence until after the clans had formed. The names of these beings were coined by former kittypets who had learned of these big cats from magic vision boxes in their Twoleg dens. Each big cat represents one of the modern day clans: lion for Marshclan, cheetah for Grassclan, leopard for Treeclan, tiger for Oceanclan, and lynx for Mountainclan

Wisp Of The Mist- A ghost who's said to watch out for Mountainclan. She is a beautiful white cat with long glossy fur and bright silver eyes. Many Mountainclan cats believe she is a protector who looks out for the innocent and guides wandering kits to safety. Queens and apprentices especially believe in this entity, claiming to see her crouched in the darkest corner of their dens, or silhouetted against the moon when they're out hunting at night. It's said if one listens hard enough when patrolling through the mountains, you may be able to hear her speak to you; but only if you're pure of heart. It's common for kits to claim meeting this mysterious molly in dreams, or when returning to camp after sneaking away without permission.  No one knows exactly where this spirit comes from, but it's believed that Wisp is the soul of a cat who was alive during the time of the ancients, or around the time of the colonies

Church- A ghost of kittypet legend. Some housecats believe this spirit comes to guide the recently deceased to the stars, and teaches them how to be like their ancestors. This tom has no specific features, but its said a cat will recognize Church upon first meeting

Sea Breeze- A spirit who was alive as the clans were founded. She's said to be a silver and white tabby with long wavy fur which resembles waves. It's said that her spirit appears to those who are lost-moreso in a metaphorical sense than literal-so that she can guide them. This ghost is mostly believed in Oceanclan

Flowerlight- The first Den Mother of the Land's Star. Queens pray to this spirit in particular for guidance with parenthood, especially if they are raising their first litter. They also pray to her for protection of their litters against illness such as kitten cough and The Fade.

The Birch-Furred Monster- A gorgeous pale gray cat with spots on their fur that resemble the pattern of birch wood. They present themselves as a molly at first, to draw in toms (and molly attracted she-cats). Once she's reeled a victim in, she'll transform into a terrifying monster who consumes the cats she's enchanted

Ashensky- A vengeful spirit who seeks out unfaithful cats and lures them to their deaths. Legend has it this cat was cheated on in life, later sacrificing themself in battle to prove their love, of which would never be returned. Instead of resting in peace, they willingly returned to the living world as a ghost, seeking to write the wrong they had faced in their own lifetime. To those who's hearts have been broken, Ashensky is a saint whom they pray to and hope to meet. Meanwhile, those who think impurely about a cat who is not their mate will live in fear, hoping to never be tricked by this angry spirit. This cat has no set gender, as it changes to accommodate with their latest victim's romantic/sexual preference.

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