"You sound like a child predator, although, in this case, I'd be the predator."

"Not really considering I'm two months older."

"You're two- How-? I- Did you google me?" Camden sputtered turning to face her.

Dixie puckered her lips and hesistated before replying. "I think the socially accepted reply to that is no?"

"Knew you were a stalker."

"Shush, I was curious on where I recognized you from. How the hell did you downplay playing in the Stranger Things and Hugh Jackman's daughter to a 'small role'."

"I had like ten lines in the whole movie before they killed me off and I was just an extra on that show," Camden chuckled.

"Still," Dixie exclaimed.

"Well it's only fair I get to stalk the big influencer back," Camden replied.

"What's your instagram name?" 

"Same as my snapchat," Dixie hummed.

"Really that's boring," Camden dissed her as she typed it into the app.

"Burn, what's your then?"  Dixie shot back.

"Surpised you couldn't stalk your way to it," she teased. "It's Princesscamz," Camden replied

Dixie shot into a fit of laughter at that. "Hey!" Camden protested, but she couldn't help but laugh along at the childish name. It'd stuck with her throughout middle school and she never felt the need to change it.

Dixie gave her a pout, mockingly. "Princess Camz, how adorable."

"Shut up, my last name's Amira and that translates to Princess in arabic and my middle school self thought it was fitting," she defended herself.

"So you're arabic then?" Dixie asked.

"My dad's family is from Egypt. But my mom's Greek. So technically half, yes," she nodded.

"That's cool, although you act like a token white girl," Dixie dissed her.

"You're one to speak, D'Amelio. Driving a Range Rover in converse sneakers with black leggings and a scrunchy on your driver's stick. Don't see any pizza or lasagna," she tutted.

"Hey, miss stereotype. I don't see you living in a pyramid or riding a camel? And by the way," she called her out before She showed her hand with a ghost ring on it. "Gucci's Italian."

Camden couldn't help but burst into laughter at that. "Fuck, you caught me," she got in between laughing fits, "I traded my camel for a Jeep, okay?"

She grabbed Dixie's finger and shook it, "Flex it, why don't you? But, okay, okay I respect the drip,"

Dixie laughed at that as she pulled up the parking spot and Camden wondered how much time had passed because it felt so fast.

Dixie killed the engine and turned to look at her. "Also I can cook a hella mean pasta," she recalled.

Camden pulled a face to mock her. "Sure, if I ever wanna die of food poisoning, I'll call you up."

Dixie gasped in offense, "Bitch, you wished you could try it. You'd beg for it."

"Baby, I don't beg," Camden replied with a cheeky smile.

"We'll see about that, princess," Dixie replied mockingly with narrowed eyes as a daring smile pulled at her lips.

Camden was at a loss for words as they both just stated at each other intently, waiting for who'd break the silence first. Luckily for her, the tension was broken when a sudden thud sounded on the window. A chubby guy with a vlogcamera had smudged his face to Dixie's door window and was speaking incoherently due to the fact they couldnt hear him.

Golden ⚜️ Dixie D'AmelioWhere stories live. Discover now