Chapter One

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Have fun reading :)

- Charm 


     Daniel Callisto stood framed by the expansive picture window, gazing down at the traffic on the street below his 16th floor loft. He lived in a newly renovated building in a neighbourhood of Washington DC, a trendy mix of musical types and young professionals. Daniel loved his neighbourhood and felt comfortable here, it seemed to fit him like a glove. It was just barely 5 AM and DC was just beginning to wake up below him. This was his favorite time of day, when the city was basked in the early morning light of the rising sun. The traffic moved at a sleepy pace on the normally busy streets below him, a combination of late nighters and early risers. He reached to the chair beside him and pulled the black tie into his hands, never taking his eyes off the city below him, as he tied the tie with precision. Just one of his many life skills he thought smiling a little. Daniel sighed as he flattened his tie, he felt that familiar twitch of boredom rise deep inside him. He shouldn't shocked by that, he knew it was coming, it was an inevitability in Daniel's life. An inevitability he had been fighting for some time. He turned to his king sized bed behind him and looked at the woman entangled in it. Her silky white skin was a stark contrast to the harsh brown of his comforter. Long blonde hair tangled around the dark pillowcase, long limbs sprawled out, she was fucking stunning and yet he was bored. He looked down in the dim light of the rising sun and used his foot to kick the bright sundress she had worn into his own hand running the soft material between his fingers.

"Hey" he said gently.

She twitched in the bed but didn't awake, she was a hard sleeper he had discovered. He could bang around the apartment every morning and she never did more than stir, believe him he had tried to wake her some mornings. 9 months, Daniel thought to himself, that might just be a new record. You would think that sharing your life with someone for almost a year you would have feelings for them but Daniel felt nothing more than the boredom. Okay, obviously there was the physical attraction but emotionally there was a familiar void. Honestly, Daniel knew he was kind of a douche when it came to women. He had been jaded a long time ago, when he was young, innocent and impressionable, ever since then he found it difficult to take relationships seriously. He didn't trust woman's and to be honest he rarely felt a spark with any of them and if he did, it went out quickly. He knew it was probably because he was dating the wrong kind of women, the kind that were beautiful but shallow. Shallow worked for Daniel though because with depth comes emotional attachment and Daniel was happily unattached. Daniel Callisto's heart would only be broke once, that's what he could be sure of!

"Val" he said louder pausing for a moment before continuing. "Valerie"

She rolled towards him and fluttered her eyes open, looking at him with a bit of contempt. As if he should dare interrupt her slumber, it must be nice to sleep in everyday.  He tossed the colorful dress at her as she sat up in his large bed yawning and stretching.

"Morning sex?" She queried.

"You need to go" he said evenly as he attached his cell phone and holster to his belt.

"What?" She wiped the sleep from her eyes sitting up taller.

"You need to go" he repeated with little emotion.

"What do you mean go?" she wined.

Valerie had her own place but Daniel was pretty sure she had not seen the inside of her apartment in about 2 months. She had wanted to get rid of the small 2nd floor walk up near Chinatown but Daniel had insisted she keep the place, even agreeing to pay her rent when she complained about paying for an apartment she wasn't using. Rule number one for Daniel Callisto, never let a woman move in, he needed his space and they needed their own place to go back to when he got bored. Even if that meant shelling out an extra 1100 bucks a month despite the fact that she was perfectly capable of paying her own rent.

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