This was such an old idea

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But an animated series featuring Zeus, Jupiter, Odin, Amun, The Jade Emperor, and Amaterasu getting into stupid shit a la family sitcom style but with more profanity.

It's been floating around in my head for years ever since I was 11 and I'm 18 now so that's 7 fucking years.

Zeus and Jupiter would be treated as separate entities but look similar (think of 2p!Hetalia and all of the shitty recoloring).

Amun is the leader of the Egyptian pantheon because Ra retired.

The Jade Emperor is called Yu Huang. (It's literally Jade Emperor in Mandarin)

Amaterasu looks like the anime girl that gets mistaken for a bishounen and is/was married to Tsukuyomi the moon god.

Odin has a more feminine appearance and has platinum blond hair in a long ponytail because I said so.

So yeah they get into shenanigans while their spouses are sitting around waiting to clean up their mess.

Just like Zeus and Jupiter, Hera and Juno are treated like separate entities, the look alike and the main difference is Hera looks like she should be on Desperate Housewives (or those other shows about rich housewives) and Juno looks like she just came back from hanging out with the Amazons and is wearing a goat skin cloak.

Amun's wife Maut is just there.

Yu Huang's wife (literally just called the queen mother) still wears Ancient hanfu and hairstyles but she's able to kick ass.

Tsukuyomi is a clean freak and Amaterasu says she's going Tsukuyomi just casually hands her her sword and shield while saying something like "don't hide in a cave"

Frigg is a enabler and provides the gang with shit for their stupidity.

But in the beginning the viewers don't see any of the goddesses except for Amaterasu. Then in a joke episode the viewers think they're watching the main casts spouses performing a girl group song/musical but in reality the cast shapeshifted into the opposite sex and dressed up as their spouses.

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