As another continuation

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Abbacchio: Now! *Tongue pops* I don't think I look that good in a wimple.

Giorno: *On the phone* What? Oh! Sorry. *Music starts and he snaps a quickly selfie*
Giorno: And soon my daddy said-

Dio: *Pops in* You should try and get ahead
Abbachio: Over my dead body!

Bruno: *Sweats nervously* Uh yeah anyway
Mista: Release the bitches!

Passione: Woof
Fugo: Uh excuse me were you not listening to my song? There were four choruses, THAT'S HOW MUCH SHIT I WENT THROUGH
Passione: *Arguing and screaming*

Trish: STOP! That's enough.

Take a moment and imagine Giorno and the gang performing Six. La Squadra are the swings (understudies) and Risotto has to replace a sick Abbacchio. When Giorno stands next to him for "Three in the bed" part you can clearly see how short Giorno is, which makes the audience laugh harder when Giorno sings "and the little one said".

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