The Siege

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Killer Bean sat back in his chair and stared at the strange little dog. It looked like it was made of transparent red rubber, its little wriggling body no higher than Killer Bean's utility belt. It had wandered into Bean Town some time after Killer Bean himself had returned there following his attack on the Shadow Agency. He had needed a place to lie low until it was safe enough to move on. Frustrated, he finally snapped. "What is it? What do you want?" The little dog showed no reaction except to roll over and begin leaking gelatin onto the ripped carpet. "I'll give you a bone or something if you'll get out of here" he told it. He had been trying to convince it to leave for close to three hours and was well past ready to give up. Besides, what trouble could a little jelly dog cause? "I might as well let you camp out here if you're not gonna leave" he continued. "Just leave me alone for a few hours so I can get some sleep already". He wasn't about to admit it, but he was beginning to like the little guy. Maybe it was his color scheme.

He tiredly rubbed his eyes as he sat back down at his monitor array, which had been a gift from his contacts at the Bean Town police force. He leaned back in his chair, taking in the footage streaming from hundreds of bugs and sensors placed all over Bean Town over the years by the numerous operations and investigations that had filled the past ten years or so. The jelly dog leapt up, barking at an especially busy monitor. "You're right little guy" he said. "I never should've taken it". The array plus the huge amount of cover-up he had needed had cost him a few favors. Three jobs, no questions asked. One assignment had been easy--a small scuffle with a local gang called the Beefy Beans. The other two promised to be far more challenging. Killer Bean sighed heavily and began to flip through the collection of dusty files laying on his desk. The first involved concentrated murder sprees surrounding Bean Town. He snorted. Hardly out of the usual. The second contained reports of escaped patients from some sort of suspected black-ops lab. 

Deciding to continue after a good few winks, Killer Bean set down the files and reclined his Lay-Z-Bean. Closing his eyes, he got a solid grip on one of his polished guns, which was a habit he had developed. He drifted off to sleep...

Suddenly he felt four distinct stings somewhere around his neck region, feeling others slap dully against his red plate armor. He was instantly up and behind his chair, cursing himself for not bothering to turn on his customary alert systems. Risking a quick look from behind the chair he saw a team of beans wielding automatic weapons and dressed in kevlar vests and masks. "Hey, no one needs to get hurt" he called tauntingly. "Just turn around and walk out, and I won't have to make another trip to Ammo-Mart today" More gunfire richoched in response. The chair shook as it was slowly cut down into brown shreds. One brave bean jumped the low step and ran up to knock the chair over, spraying shells the whole way. 

To the bean's surprise he found nothing but smoking craters in the carpet and a few broken monitors. "Hey!" Killer Bean stepped out from his hiding place and put two shots in the bean's masked skull. "That was expensive! Now I'll have to make TWO trips!" He spun and wove as the rest of the team took aim, blasting bullets, shells and-

"Tranquilizers!" one ordered as several beans carrying high-powered tranqs rushed forward to launch their payloads. The munitions exploded with smoke capsules and tranquilizer darts, the explosions creating a huge smokescreen filled with flying needles. Killer Bean spun and flipped, but could not avoid taking a few hits. He fell hard to the floor, feeling drowsy and clumsy, the earlier drugs they had shot him with working together with the tranqs to slow his incredible reflexes. "Why..." Killer Bean slurred out. As his vision darkened he saw the head bean tranqing the little Jelly dog and stuffing him bodily into a filthy sack.  Then everything went black.

When he finally awoke only a few hours later, Killer Bean got up and headed over to his damaged station, grabbing the phone attached there. "Come on, come on. Pick up!" he told the phone irritably. "Cromwell speaking. I see the little encrypted button thing, so skip the introductions." Cromwell was sounding rather cranky himself. Probably drunk. "What the hell are you doing?" he told him angrily. "I nearly just got dropped, ruined my best chair and lost my dog because you forgot to warn me first!". "Wait. You have a dog? You? " Cromwell was beside himself. "Yeah, yeah. Calm down, will you?" Killer Bean replied. "It was a little funny red guy, he wouldn't leave me alone. Plus, he never withheld vital info, unlike someone else I know!" 

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The Killer Bean Saga Vol.1: The SiegeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat