Part Seven: Escape From The Studio

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"We better lay low for a little while.. You wanna crash at mine until the dust settles?" Cherry Bomb offered with a bright jagged smile.

"Nah! Too risky. Besides, I better get back to the hotel or those crazy broads will presume I'm dead and jack my stuff.." Angel responded as the two friends headed further into the alleyway knowing it would lead them out of Vox' territory where he was less likely to come looking for them.

"Holly shit, are you actually gonna try get clean?" The female demon with one eyes exclaimed looking at him in disbelief. "I thought I knew you.."

"Well, not completely clean but there's this new guy runnin' things now so I figure I'll be safe under his protection.." The spider demon responded with a twisted smirk, his gold tooth flashing.

"Oh yeh.. Who's that?" Cherry Bomb asked curiously.

"Some guy they call the Radio Demon. He's supposed to be scary but really he's just a jerk.. He's the reason I got in this mess in the first place.." Angel Dust said with a slight frown of annoyance, not quite ready to forgive Alastor yet for tempting him with his greatest weakness.

"I've heard of him, supposed to be a right nasty bastard, a rival of Vox.. And you want to go back to this fucker?" The strawberry blonde cyclops replied.

"I'd pick him over Vox any day.." Angel Dust responded nodding. "Look, don't worry about me. I can handle myself.."

"Oh yeh, sure.. That's why you needed my help today then, huh?" Cherry Bomb replied as they reached a point in Pentagram City where they would have to chose where they went as her home and the Hazbin Hotel were in opposite directions.

"Today was just a mistake. Won't happen again.." Angel said with a smirk.

"Pretty sure you said that last time we did this." Cherry Bomb stated folding her arms across her red top, her long nails drumming on her forearm.

"Crimeny, will ya quit worryin' about me.. I know how to take care of myself, I learnt from the best.." The spider demon replied with a wink to his longtime friend. He was pretty sure Valentino was going to be pissed when he found out that he was gone anyway. He would have to stay inside the hotel for days. That was fine though, his body would need time to heal anyway.

"You got someone on the inside of this hotel of yours that will help you get back in.." The cyclops demon asked.

"Yeh, I can bug the guy on front desk.. Pretty sure he owes me now." Angel grinned widely..


"I don't owe you shit.." The hulking grey and white cat demon scowled at Angel Dust before squinting at his roughed up appearance. "What the fuck happened to you anyway? You've been gone for days.."

"Did you miss me?" Angel said in his best sultry voice and fluttered his eyelashes to the winged cat demon making his white furred face balk in shock.

"What? No!" He snapped back, not admitting he had been wondering if the spider was coming back. "The girls have though.. Just go ask one of them to—"

"NO!" The pale pink spider demon cried out grabbing Husk by the face. "They can't see me like this, there will be too many questions. Please, please... Help me slip back into my room.. My window is shut so I can't sneak back in that way.." His words made the hulking demon cat facepalm, dragging his clawed fingers slowly down his face.

"Fine..... But you have to do something for me.."


"I'll tell you inside. C'mon, I'll get the spare key to your room and meet you round back.."


in Angel's room both were sat in his heart shaped bed. Husk was wetting a cloth with alcohol from the spirit bottle he had brought with him. As he dabbed the wet rag into Angel's body he took a swig of the potent alcohol.

"Arh!" The tall lanky pale pink spider flinched as the cat demon gently wiped his slight wounds.

"Suck it up." Husk grunted as he finished tending to the worlds on Angel Dust's shoulders then wet the rag some more and turned his attention to the ones on his face.

"Ow! Shit! That fucking hurts.." Angel couldn't help but flinch again.

"Then don't let dipshits smack you about.." Husk grunted in irritation before muttering under his breath, "They wouldn't have put up with this shit in 'Nam.."


"Nothin'. Your done.." The hulking cat demon replied after finishing carefully dabbing the shiner under the spider's yellow sclera eye. He then took a swig out of the alcohol bottle.

"Mind if I take a sip of that?" Angel asked curiously as he slipped his jacket back on and Husk held out the clear bottle filled with clear alcohol.

"Knock yourself out.."

"Thanks.." Angel took a large swig if the strong alcohol recognising it by taste as a Russian vodka.

"Look, I should probably get back downstairs to the bar. Can you hide that?" Husk let the spider demon take a second drink before taking the bottle back, pointing at his shiner then taking a large drink himself.

"Uh, yeh.. It's no problem with the make-up kit I got. Why?" Angel responded curiously. He didn't much feel like socialising right now but he was interested in knowing where this was going.

"Good. Do it and come down to the bar, there's something you gotta see.." The cat demon replied flashing a brief yellow-toothed smirk before it vanished along with Husk as he left the room. The spider demon looking confused behind him.

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