Part Twenty-Four: Not Quite The Day Planned

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When Husk finally stirred from his sleep he groaned and held his heavy head, sitting up and leaning back against the headboard of the bed closing his eyes. His head was throbbing a little and his mouth was dry and he could feel a slight pang of anxiety building beneath the surface of his skin.

"Hey mi amore, ya finally awake.." Came Angel's soft voice and this made the demon cat grunt vaguely in response before looking around to see Angel back in his silk dressing gown at his dressing table cleaning off his eyeliner with a wet wipe. He had not taken it off the night before so it had been smeared all over his face during their passion filled night.

"Hrrm... What fucking time is it?" Husk mumbled somewhat incoherent, feeling rough.

"Heh, time for your morning coffee. I know ya don't function with out it.. Hold on." Angel got up from his dressing table and began to make a strong black coffee with the amenities his room and the Italian blend he bought due to not liking the brand the hotel kept. "Dammit, I was sure I had some hooch in this place.." The spider scowled unable to find some booze to 'Irish' up the coffee with, knowing that his boyfriend would need it before the shakes kicked in.

"Urh, there's a flask in my hat.." Husk drawled out in a slight wince feeling his headache get worse.

"There is?" Angel blinked before looking inside the large black top hat with red band that was resting on the side. He had never really looked inside his boyfriend's hat before but when he did he saw that it had black pockets around the circular head and sure enough, one of those pockets held a silver hip-flask. "Wow, you can fit more in this than I thought.." He commented as he poured a generous splash of the alcohol before closing the flask tightly and returning it to the hat. The pale pink spider demon then moved over to the bed, passed Husk the coffee before picking up his hydrating face cream. The two sat in silence for a little while as the cat demon drunk his coffee  and his more effeminate boyfriend put on his morning face cream.

"Ya feel better now babe?" Angel asked with a smile the moment he put his cream back on the bedside cabinet before turning towards this lover who set the now empty cup down.

"Much.. Thanks." Husk responded feeling the buzz he needed to stave off the shakes, his alcohol dependence sated for now. At his words and smile Angel cuddled himself up into the side of his boyfriend. "Hm, I like the fresh-faced look on you. You don't need all that crap on your face."

"Heh, did I overdo it on the booze in that coffee? That's gotta be the nicest thing you've ever said to me.." The lithe spider demon cooed back, his heart fluttering at the compliment as these were few and far between coming from this closed-off demon he adored.

"I'm not complaining if you did.." Husk murmured then started to let out a low throaty purr as he held his slim boyfriend close against him. Then without another word he pulled the pale pink furred spider demon into a kiss. It was gentle at first before quickly heating up with the long white claw-like fingers of one hand began to untie the dressing gown and slip beneath the deeper pink satin-like material. Angel couldn't help the slight moan that escaped his lips as he responded eagerly to his lover's affection.

"Oh!! Your both here.." The sound of a new voice made them both rip their lips apart from the hot and heavy make-out session and turn as one to find a rather embarrassed looking Radio Demon stood in the suite trying to avoid looking directly at the lovers he had accidentally encroached on. "That explains why things were so quiet last night.. I merely presumed that—No!! That mental image is not necessary, I merely came for this diminutive swine fellow.." He gestured towards Fat Nuggets who immediately squealed out and trotted keenly over to Alastor, recognising him instantly. With both gloved hands he scooped up the tiny piglet and flashed Fat Nuggets a grin with narrowed eyes then tucked him under his arm.

Game On!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें