Part Eighteen: Here's The 411

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"Seriously?" Vaggie's voice screeched as the grey-skinned girl had appeared in the Hazbin bar/lounge the following day to see Angel propped at the bar with a phone in one hand. Nearby Husk was looking over a newspaper in his claw-like hands. Infuriated the long white-blonde haired moth demon stalked over and shoved down the yellow coloured newspaper printed with blood-red ink. "What is he doing here!"

"Sitting.." Husk responded with a small jerk of his hands that released the paper from under Vaggie's hand and he turned slightly away looking unconcerned.

"I can see that! Why? I barred him last night.." The grey-skinned girl asked as her one good orange eye lanced Angel with a glare but the spider demon merely looked up from his phone and flashed her an amused smirk before silently toasting her, drinking what was left of his whiskey-mixer and going back to the HarassApp message board on his phone.

"I unbarred him this morning.." Husk stated plainly shoving the paper away when he realised she was sticking around and probably looking for a fight.

"What— Why? He was being sexist and rude and—"

"Look, I don't really give a flying fuck about the flower power bullshit. I'm the bar manager, I've unbarred him. End of.." The grey furred demon cat with white furred replied unconcerned as he leaned on the bar.

"Urh, this is not the end of this! He—" Vaggie responded further annoyed by him.

"Back off toots it's his bar! You don't even like it being here in the first place." Angel finally jumped in as he stuffed his Hellphone into the fluffy 'bust' that was held into place by his tight pink striped blazer.

"That's right, stand up for your boyfriend why don't you?" She pushed her scowling face into his, squaring up for a fight.

"I ain't the one with my panties inna knot, gettin' pissy cause I'm still on my—"

"Hey!" Husk's voice snapped dragging their attention back to him, an angry golden glow momentarily flashing in those yellow eyes. "You can both fuck off right now!! I ain't drunk enough to be listenin' to this shit and your givin' me a damn migraine.." There was a breif moment of silence as both younger demons stood staring in shock but Angel recovered first while Vaggie still looked somewhat stunned by his momentarily slip in temper.

"But I was only defendin' you— Oh. Fuck it, I gotta go meet my bitch anyway.. I'll catch ya later Husky.." Angel winked blowing the tall cat demon with red wings a kiss before leaving out the main doors of the hotel. Husk blinked in some bemusement before slapping his face and uttering under his breath.

"For fucks sake.." He kept his immense grey furred paw over his white furred face with his clawed fingers covering most of his embarrassment. He was thankful that his face was covered in fur so it his blushes. Vaggie rolled her eyes wearily and turned away, walking off with the air of someone still annoyed.

"Men siding with men, go figure.." She murmured to herself. "They just step in and takeover.."


"Hey dipshit. Long time no see!" Came the upbeat female voice and the familiar strawberry blonde half-top ponytail wearing girl with porcelain white skin and one bloodshot eye with an X. "You been sick or somethin' cause it usually doesn't take you this long to get in touch." As she picked her way through the rough bar they had chosen to meet in Cherri grinned. She was wearing her usual slashed over the shoulder pink top and tattered leggings. It seemed that she had not yet found the partner to her red knee high boot as the other foot was just wearing a plain sock. She looked a mess but she had never cared about her appearance or how she came across. She even stood threateningly over one of the other sinners sitting and the guy cringed making her laugh in amusement.

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