Part Four: Dealing With Our Addictions

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The day had dragged slowly for Angel Dust. It usually did in the mind-numbingly boring hotel run by those two 'crazy broads' that ix-nayed anything he considered fun and the psychotic Radio Demon who prowled the halls humming a variety of tunes in a slow maniacal manner that was clearly meant to be unsettling for anyone that heard it. His felt a shiver run through him as Alastor passed the mismatched front bar where he and Husker were sat.

"Urh, doesn't he do anythin' other than act like a creep?" His words made a slightly drunken smirk twist the yellow-toothed demon cat behind the bar.

"Whhatta you fffink.." Husk's words ran together indistinctly as the smile vanished once more as he lifted his current bottle to his lips. He was swaying a little as he did so due to the sheer consumption of alcohol he had taken in. The pale pink spider demon was inwardly impressed by the huge volume of booze the chronic alcoholic cat demon could take in, he could easily drink him under the table, it would be no contest. But outwardly Angel merely looked concerned towards Husk.

"Your kinda slurrin' ya words. Maybe it's time to stop, or at least slow it down, whatta ya say?" Angel said in a soft tentative tone, knowing that he had to be careful with how he said things as the hulking cat with wings clearly had an addiction similar to his own. The lanky spider knew his withdrawal symptoms could drive him crazy. The sweating, itching and constant fidgeting was bad enough but the mood-swings and complete lack of will-power when presented with what he missed most was murder on his co-opted soul. This was also how Valentino kept a tight control over him. He knew he had hit rock-bottom the day he had gone crawling to the sick demon overlord running the adult film production company but at the time he was so doped up and desperate that he literally had no choice, falling hook, line and sinker to the smarmy bastard. Realising only too late that he planned to pimp him off as well as let him star in those sleazy films. From that day he had been stuck in a nightmarish void of sex, drugs and alcohol topped off with physical abuse and countless degrading acts. This only fuelled the drug abuse further in a vain attempt to blot the worst parts out and he eventually just started living as the persona of 'Angel Dust'. He wasn't even sure if he knew his real self anymore..

"FFuck offff. I'll know when I'ffff 'ad enouffff.." Husk's words cut into his moment of self reflection making him blink to see the hulking black and white cat demon glare, still swaying on the spot holding moving the bottle as he spoke, slopping it's contents slightly.

"Hey, it was just a suggestion, no need to bite my head off.." Angel rolled his eyes and folded his arms somewhat offended continuing, "We ain't so different, believe it or not? Besides, your the sanest one in this dump and that's sayin' somethin'!" His eyes had been shut, his body turned slightly away from the bar so he didn't notice when Husk wobbled, unsteadily and finished off the booze in the bottle before dumping it. Immediately his eyes rolled back into his skull and he collapsed behind the bar with a crashing noise..

"Husker?" Angel's odd-sclera red eyes opened in shock before he leaned over the bar top. "Ohhh..... Shit." The huge cat demon was passed out on the floor of the bar, his large red wings out and spread-angled. With a furrow of concern on his brow Angle stretched out one long, lanky arm out and poked Husker with one finger sharply, laughing nervously, "Ahhaha, c'mon.. Jokes over, ya got me.." He uttered in a kind of vain hope that this was just a stupid prank and the alcoholic demon wasn't in a drunken stupor. Wishful thinking. "I'll get Smiles if ya don't get up..."


"Ah, fuck." Angel sighed smacking his face then moved silently to check the coast was clear of Vaggie and Charlie. The last thing he wanted was those two getting involved.

"Hey Al..." He drawled catching the attention of the Radio Demon who had been standing stock still, silent and weirdly lifeless looking. The second Angel Dust mentioned his 'nickname' Alastor's eyes lit up red and he blinked, his smile widening.

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