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I got out of the car, shut the door behind me and walked inside our compound, I didn't bother looking behind me. I could feel his eyes watching me the whole time until Vicky's driver began to drive away.

I took one last look at the moving car just before it took a turn into another street, Chidindu's head was turned as if looking through the window beside him.

"What's wrong?" CJ asked from inside the compound.

I sighed when I realized how I must've looked just standing there and looking. "Nothing," I said and went through the gate and locked it behind me.

We went into the house, neither mom nor dad were around yet. I don't know if I was glad about it for Nenye's sake or because I didn't really want to face them together. I'm sure they'd act like what happened yesterday never did.

"Are you hungry?" CJ asked as he started walking to the kitchen.

"Yeah, you want to cook something?" I turned to him, he nodded but had a tired look on his face.

"Don't worry let me do it." I offered.

He shook his head declining my offer and turned to go.

"CJ, I'm assuming you already know about Nenye and Vicky's disappearance?" of course he did. Nenye probably told him to cover up for her.

When he didn't say anything and just continued walking to the kitchen. I followed him wondering what he must've been thinking by letting her leave school like that.

"Why didn't you stop her? You know how mom and dad can be plus, I don't think dad has lifted his ban on us." I said referring to the ban dad had given to Nenye and I from that get-together just 2 weeks ago. It was supposed to last for one month.

"Come on, we all know that the ban doesn't really mean anything." He said as he started shuffling some pots and pans around.

"Still does not justify, what you and Nenye did." I pointed.

"There's no me and Nenye in this, I had an exam to write, I didn't have the time to start fussing about Nenye and Vicky and their actions together."

"I hope mom and dad see it as lightly as you do when she comes back late and gets in trouble with them."

He shrugged and continued what he was doing. "I can't control Nenye or her actions, and don't forget that she can handle herself... this isn't her first rodeo."

My frown deepened at his reply. I decided to leave him and go upstairs to my room.

Dad was the first to come back, when I heard his car horn I stood up from my bed and went to my room window to watch from there. CJ came out of the house to open the gate and he drove in. He came out of the car and locked the car using the automatic car key.

He had on one of his many suits that made him look so official.

I watched him look at the space where mom parks her car. It was empty because she wasn't back yet.

"Your mom's car isn't here, she's still not back?"

"Yes sir," CJ said.

Dad looked like he wanted to say something but thought against it, he turned to CJ that had been watching his every move and asked, "How were your exams today?"

"They were fine." was all he could say, I couldn't blame him, I loved my dad but he wasn't exactly a very chatty man.

He always went straight to the point when speaking to us. The times when he spoke to us were usually when he had something important to say.

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