CHAPTER TWO: Screwing up

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The next day was Sunday, service in our church lasted for 2 hours. After church mom and dad decided to take everyone to Genesis cinema to watch a movie.

Nenye didn't seem very excited about it. She was oddly quiet; she didn't even have anything to say when a woman with a ridiculously large hat sat in front of us during the church service.

I knew it had something to do with what happened last night but It's not like I could ask her what was wrong. She wasn't going to tell me and I definitely was not going to tell her that I had spied on her.

Our car was a sienna, mom and dad were in the passenger and driver's seats respectively, aunty Regina, her husband and Felicia were in the middle seats while I was at the back with Nenye, CJ and Chidera. I was in the middle of Nenye and Chidera. Nenye was busy listening to music with her headphones. CJ and Chidera were having an animated conversation about something very irrelevant.

I looked around not knowing what to do with myself. I started humming Ed Sheeran's hearts don't break around here.

"Ugh, could you please stop," Nenye moaned in annoyance.

"That song is just depressing."

"It's not depressing it's beautiful and I thought you were listening to music?"

"Well I wasn't," she said and closed her eyes. I decided to screw it and just ask her, what's the worst that could happen?

"Hey is everything alright?"

She looked at me and I held my breath expecting the worst to actually happen but she surprised me. She didn't tell me to mind my business. She just sighed and said.

"No. everything's not okay, I screwed up bad."

"What did you do?" I asked again.

The car stopped and I realized that we had reached our destination. She got out of the car before she could say anything else.

The movie that we were seeing was a Nigerian movie. It wasn't bad, it was actually a comedy and it was really funny. Everyone seemed to be enjoying it. I had some popcorn and a bottle of Pepsi with me. I was busy stuffing my mouth with the popcorn when Felicia asked if she could have some and I gave her, the girl put her hand inside and brought out a handful. I looked inside to see that I was almost out of popcorn.

"Zaram let's go to the restroom," Nenye whispered.

"Why?" I replied and she gave me a look. I handed the remaining popcorn and Pepsi to Felicia and told mom that we were going to the restroom and stood up and followed her. Luckily the restroom was empty. She brought out her cellphone and dropped her purse on the sink.

"Look at this." she showed me her phone screen. On it was a text from Vicky her best friend and classmate. It read.

"Can I come over later Nathan just dumped me."

"They were dating?" I had no idea.

"Yes they were and the stupid boy just broke her heart," she said.

"Okay? So..." I asked.

"It's all my fault. You know how yesterday Nathan came over... don't play dumb, CJ said he saw you peeping from my bedroom window." She folded her arms.

"Oh." crap!

"Both of them had been having...problems, they've been off and on for some time now, and they even broke up on graduation day and I tried to cheer him up, but... I ended up kissing him."

At first, I didn't know what to say, I was still processing the whole thing in my head. Did she just say that she kissed him?

"Oh my God Zaram say something!" she said anxiously.

Nigerian GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang