CHAPTER EIGHT: Nigerian Batman

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We got home and had our lunch together. After that, I went up to my room.

I lay on my bed with my phone in my hand, I was checking my messages. I had received more messages from Kolade. He was asking me if I was still alive.

Funny boy.

I checked to see that he was online.

"Yes I am, Happy Sunday to you too," I sent

"Where have you been??" He replied almost immediately.

"Sorry I kind of forgot you."

"😒 And look at me worrying about whether you are still alive."

I laughed at his reply.

"😘You know You're gonna miss when I'm gone."

"Don't you dare quote pitch perfect for me... So what's up, what happened yesterday?"

"It's a long story."

"Let me guess, it involves Nenye and Vicky."


"Why are you always going on adventures with those two, when are we going to have our own?"

"😂 You're funny."

"So what happened?"

I narrated the whole story to him and as usual, he gave some really hilarious replies. He was a really funny person and a good listener. That was one of the reasons that I was glad that I had asked to sit with him that day on the staircase. If not for that one question, I don't think I would have had any close friends in school.

The day that I found out he was royalty was when we were JSS3 during our school's third term open day, his elder brother, Adebayo, came with his driver to review his midterm scores. He was talking to our maths teacher in the dining hall where other parents were reviewing their children's scores. His driver walked to where we were sitting and said.

"Kolade your mother is here."

"What's she doing here?" He asked surprised.

"Just get your things ready, so that you can go and see her," He said and went away.

Kolade began to panic. He stood up with his school bag on his shoulders.

"Dude chill, it's just your mother," I could not understand why he was so alarmed about her presence.

I looked around and spotted a woman that was elegantly dressed. She had on designer heels and what I also guessed was a designer dress. Basically, everything about her screamed money. Mrs Khadija, our principal walked up to her and greeted the woman. The way she greeted her was weird, she prostrated for her like actually prostrated, the woman stopped her and they started talking.

"Kolade is that your mother? Why is Mrs. Khadija greeting her like that?" I asked.

He looked at me, a sheepish expression on his face.

"There's something about me that I've not told you," He said.

"Are you Batman?" I joked. He just laughed along with me and said.

"No, I'm definitely not Batman."

"Aww why?"

"I don't know, because I'm a teenager and I live in Nigeria?"

I lifted one eyebrow at his reply.

"So? Didn't you tell me that there was a black Spiderman?"

"Yes but he's in a comic and from an alternate universe, that's not the point." He said and took a deep breath then spoke again.

Nigerian GirlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz