Lisa cuddled closer, wrapping her arms around his waist. Eyes glistening, she looked up meeting his dreamy eyes.

"Never leave me again"
The words came out in a whisper, as a single tear escaped the cages of her lashes.

"Never. I swear"
He promised, placing a warm peck on her moist lips and wiping the tear away.

It didn't take much time for her to fall asleep, as he cradled her in his arms humming a soothing melody. The night was calm and melancholic. Drifting off into a deep slumber, Lisa was able to sleep well in a while.

Just like a light wind blowing, her senses slowly dulled transitioning into another frame to a world powerful than the actuality. It feels so  realistic, that one would easily mistake the dream as reality. Even before realising she fell for the tricks her brain pulled on her, crashing into the dreamland.

Standing at the end of her level's hallway, Lisa was waiting for the elevator to arrive. Impatiently pressing the buttons a few times, she let out a puffed up sigh crossing her arms over her chest.

The place was dim lit with an eerie silence playing in the back ground. Lazily pulling out her mobile, her vision blurred staring at the bright screen displaying 1.47 am as the time. Rubbing her eyes a few times she tried to clear her clouded vision.

Squinting and opening them wide, it somewhat worked in making it clear. Unlocking her phone she scrolled through her contacts, not really knowing why she was doing it.

A sudden static buzz erupted in her mind making her drop the phone and shut her ears in reflex. The thin line of beep got louder in the passing second, slowly growing out into voices and screams. Holding onto her painful ears she crouched down low, hugging her knees.

"Please leave me"
She begged the satanic voices on her head which were whispering painful words to her.

Burying her face closer to her lower body, Lisa let a few tears escape as the screams got louder and more painful physically.

She heard her name being called in a whisper, but it was not inside her head.

Wondering who it would be, she tried to focus her senses on that one particular voice.

Came the voice, again. A few decibels louder.

"Save me"
She impetrated shakily.

The whisper was much clear now.

Shooting her head up to the direction of the sound, she stared at the dim lit hallway shivering in fear. Her petite figure turned pale draining out all the colors out of her when she came in sight to a terrifying scene.

The door to her home wide opened, a limp arm poked out lying lifeless on the floor. Lisa remained frozen and rooted to the ground, utterly petrified. The horror struck scenario traumatized her, disabling her senses. The voices soon died down inside her head, bringing back the eerie silence.

The limp arm made a struggling contraction and came out a dead looking body, painfully crawling on the ground. Making small moves the body pushed itself out of the door frame, revealing it's full figure.

It, voiced out.

The figure slowly crawled towards her, making knuckle cracking sounds. As it inched closer Lisa got a good sight of it's pale thin body.

"Help me"
It, begged just like she did.

It, called for her again reaching a hand out.
"Lisa wake up!"

Her eyes shot open. Sitting upright she panted in short of breath. Inhaling deeply she combed her hair back, before exhaling out.

Her body was drenched in sweat and the traces of her tears, now dried. With a sigh she got off the bed making way out of the room. She searched for him but soon realised that he wasn't there.

With a sigh Lisa decided to head back to her apartment. Locking the door shut, she took a few heavy steps towards her home. The scenes of the last night's nightmare flashed back and forth, making her pale.

But somehow battling with her fear, Lisa decided to head in. Clicking the door open she was about to enter her home when a post it notice stuck on the door caught her eyes.

'Something came up in middle!
Sorry for leaving you alone.
Let's meet in the evening...'

Was all he wrote. With another sigh she got in, closing the door shut behind her. It was just another Uni day and Lisa lazily got ready for it.

When it was around 11 in the morning Lisa left the apartment building heading to her Uni. Once inside the campus her pace got slow and lazy. Just like any other day she contemplated between taking the classes or heading back home. Head hanging low she sighed heavily.

"Isn't it too early to sigh that heavily?"
She heard a familiar voice, which she missed the most, behind her.


I updated!! lol.
Happy reading fam.💜

I have something to confess...
So a few days back I called my crush and confessed my feelings to her and partially revealed that I'm Bi.

I've been waiting for her reply ever since then and yesterday she was online, texting on our private group chat room. And me being a hoe openly flirted with her, publicly (group chat so of course my other friends were there too...)

Guess what came next. I was dumped abruptly “with a 'yep' to a better luck next time text”

I'm gonna yeet myself to Saturn for embarrassing myself...

Thank you for listening to this small rant of mine. Jisoos Christ will always be there for you.


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PS. I'm not read for this, yet.😭😭

Still with you?? WAB: The eternal?? Map Of The Song: 7??
You think I'm ready for this???

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