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Hi! I'm Lindy, a typical high school student of Earth High School, belongs in Class A but's not that brainy. I wear glasses, those big, thick types of glasses you could see in movies worn by nerds. It's not just for a costume, I really don't have that 20/20 vision and—

"Hey! watch out..."

A voice came over before I found the books I'm carrying scattered on the school hallway. I immediately knelt down to pick the books up without leaving a single glance at the guy I just bumped.

"I'm sorry..." I apologized as I hurriedly passed by him to get to our classroom.

It's a fine Monday morning, but it's another three butt-paining hours again for our Science subject. I was ordered by our Science teacher to get five books from the library for our group activity. I was already at the door of our room; I didn't notice the guy from the hallway followed me until he offered,

"Hey, maybe, you need help?" he sounded hesitant at first then he pointed at the books I am carrying. "You know, I think the books are a bit heavy."

And for this time I took the chance to look at him, I just couldn't believe he looked so – ahh, well, from the common faces I've seen here in this school, he looked exceptionally different. Uhmm he looks – what adjective can I actually describe him? Let's say, he's a combination of Troy Bolton and Ned Nickerson with the height and built of Kyle Kingson! Call me overdramatic, they're all movie characters and my crushes by the way.

I was fascinated by the figure in front of me. His dark hair a bit tousled, light brown eyes, arrogant nose, nice lips and fair skin. Gosh, his skin is much way fairer than mine! I don't know what to say, it seems words had ran out from my mouth. Okaaaaay, I think my emotions are just overreacting. But it's not every day that I'll get a crush on someone I came face to face. Since I dealt with adolescence, all my crushes are fictional characters in the books and movies. 

Whoa! Wait, did I just say the C- word in relation to my description of him? Thrice?!

I don't know what came over me but I just realized I had already dropped the books to his extending hands then meekly smiled before I went back to my seat in the front row. I then heard a roaring "Ooohhss and Ayieeeeesss" from my classmates and I just gave them a mocking smile as I sat down.

"It seems you've already found your new room, young man. Come here in front and introduce yourself." Our Science teacher suddenly announced and gave the floor to him.

"Hello, good morning!" he greeted cheerfully while staring at the whole class, he flashed a friendly smile at my direction as he continued introducing himself. "I am Grey. Greyson Santillan, for long. A transferee from Mars High School. Our family just moved in this town, I hope I can make friends with all of you."

Just as he ended his self-introduction, Joaqui – one of our classmates from the back shouted, "Yo, dude! There's a vacant seat over here!" pointing to an empty seat at the last row from the same column I'm in.

I guess I just found my true to life crush on this day.

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