What if...

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This chapter is brought to you by The-Widow, JamieRomanoff and me. The-Widow gave the starting idea, JamieRomanoff gave the first part and I kinda continued from it.

What if... The guys that started it all... Tony Stark... Was a villain?

Okay this isn't like other chapters like an actual story it's just me saying what wld happened.

If Tony was a bad guy, which means weapons would still be manufactured in Stark Industries, he would probably never become Iron Man. Or if he did, it'll probably be for the bad. What caused Tony to stop weapons manufacturing was because he was kidnapped. Like I don't think it's possible for someone to continue making the very same weapons that nearly killed themselves. Which means, Tony was never kidnapped, he never got the shrapnel in his heart. If he did become Iron Man, but as the bad version, well idk.

That means Fury would have never approached Stark for the Avengers Initiative. The idea of the Avengers Initiative was indeed from Carol, but Stark was the one that technically 'started' it. Which means, he would have never met Natasha for two reasons. He was a bad guy, doesn't know about SHIELD. And two, Nat's purpose in Iron Man 2 was to see if Stark was eligible. Since he wasn't, she obviously wasn't sent there.

Without a secure base for the Avengers Initiative, AKA Stark, Fury probably shut it down. When Steve woke up from the ice, Fury didn't need any heroes. Which means Steve wouldn't continue to he Captain America, and instead do his best to live in the modern world.

Loki would still come to Earth and brainwash Clint and that scientist dude I cant spell his name. Thor would probably follow his brother, and do his best to stop him.

Being his best friend, Natasha would probably be out for revenge. Along with (most likely) Maria Hill, the two would then go to Germany (?) to try and take in Loki.

But because they didn't have Steve and Tony, Maria and Natasha would mostly have been caught by Loki, and also brainwashed.

In the movie, Thor only appeared after Loki was captured. So if Loki wasn't captured, Thor is too late.

This would mean that the scepter is still in Loki's hands. He would have never unleashed the Hulk, for he doesn't know exactly where he is. He might still crash the Helicarrier, but since in the movie his purpose for doing that was to unleash the Hulk, it's most likely he wouldn't.

Phill Coulson would have never died. He wouldn't have GH-325 in his blood. He most likely wouldn't have created the team, which means Skye never met them, she never became Daisy Johnson, she never became Quake. They would never meet Raina, and wouldn't be betrayed by Ward because there isn't anyone for Ward to betray.

With SHIELD's finest under Loki's spell, SHIELD would be weaker. Especially since HYDRA was so deeply imbedded in their ranks. Without Steve, Natasha and Sam ever meeting, they are unable to save SHIELD. (Let's just say Steve and Sam never really meet because in the MCU, everything is connected.)

HYDRA would rise, like they did.

But, when SHIELD fell, Coulson was tasked to rebuild SHIELD. But he didn't have the support of his team. Fitzsimmons would either be dead by now, or on the run somewhere, or working for HYDRA. They never fell out of the plane.

Without the support of his team, even if Coulson was tasked to rebuild SHIELD, he couldn't have done it. He rebuild SHIELD with the help of his team, so you get what I'm saying.

Robert would then proceed to build SHIELD his own way, saying that his SHIELD was the real SHIELD. Robert and his gang would never become Coulson's 'mentors'.

If Skye never joined and became Daisy, she would mostly never parents. Unless her Dad goes crazy. But whatever the case, SHIELD would never go to Afterlife. Daisy, if she did go, she would never see the truth, and probably rule along with her pyschotic mom. Whether Raina did made it to the Kree Temple is whatever idc.

This means that if Ultron was to be created, Tony did it for the bad. But Ultron was created alongside Bruce as well as the mindstone. Since Tony has neither, unless he does some miracle, Ultron never happened.

Pietro and Wanda would still be in HYDRA, Pietro never died, they would be happy. (as happy as one can be in HYDRA)

Since Loki is still under Thanos's mind control, most of the stuff in Thor: The Dark World might not happen. They might still come to Earth, but thats pretty much it.

As shown in AoS Season 1, Coulson and his team are seen cleaning up after Thor. Since that team never happened, well, either the authorities cleaned up or it's still there.

The Sokovia Accords were never formed; there were no damage. Civil War never happened, and also Steve never found out that Bucky is alive-

Wakanda would have never revealed itself. They didn't have much reasons to.

The Guardians would still form, they can still be the heroes in space if they want to.

Peter would still be bitten by the spider. He would go on to be Spider-Man, but maybe won't be as enthusiastic, seeing as there isn't any heroes for him to look up to or any heroes to mentor him.

Vision was never created. Thanos would have all the stones except the Time Stone. Strange would probably be kidnapped by that guy (Squidward, was it?) and forced to give it up, or die. Tony and Peter weren't there to save him after all.

The Guardians would meet Thanos at Titan, but then Thanos would probably be too strong. He would the snap his fingers, and half the population would be gone.

There aren't any heroes to save the world.

Thanos would have won.

All because Tony Stark was a villain.

Tell me what you think this took me 1k words to write.
I also have a feeling I forgot some stuff but whatever~

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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