Chapter Two: Deuxième

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THE GOLDEN SUNSET OF OAHU, HAWAII kept the mind of sixteen-year-old Lemerence Seraphim busy for a short term of time. Her hazel eyes reflected the remaining rays of the setting day-star while her brown skin and wavy hair are being touched by the warm meridional zephyr from the sea. Her eyes are directly steered towards the sun as if she's not even bothered to be blinded.

"Don't be anxious, my dear daughter. You know your father will do everything so the parliament will spare you. We have connections." Stella Seraphim- a Zeta classified individual because of her retractable fingernails- said comforting words to her only child with a confident voice.

It is very unfair that what happens in a few days, sometimes even a single day, can change the course of a whole lifetime.

Lemerence fled from London two days ago to celebrate her 16th birthday in her dream Hawaii, but as much as she wanted to be happy, the DNA Reading result marked with "Missing Gene Inheritance" untied all the fears and uncertainties inside her mind. She turned her head to her positive mother.

"There are lots of bad people out there living the most normal life possible, savoring their unique abilities. I haven't done anything wrong. Why did the world choose me to be deprived of normal life?... In a week or so, the parliament might come to our home and take me."

"As I said, your father, Liandrum, won't let them, dear."

Lemerence's family has been operating one of the most prominent companies in the world, named after them, the Seraphim Corporation. Seraphim meaning the highest angel rank in Christian angelology chose to make their logo as an angel with six wings. They manufacture personalized mutant needs for the population. They cater individuals with uncontrolled powers by making a piece of customized equipment for them, neutralizing their ability. As substantial as they really are, they are most likely tied with the governments. Liandrum Seraphim made this all possible because of his extreme intelligence prompted by his mutation. He is classified as a Rho individual.

The sand is rustling because of the soothing waves of the sea. It seems like it vibes with the young lady's anxiety. Lemerence tried to decipher more harshly what the future holds for her. She stood from her beach stool and walked a distance away from their cottage. As she ambles closer to the shore, she felt the zephyr getting much stronger. The remaining light pierces the soon-to-be night sky. The current situation shows two twilights: the faint phosphorescent light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon and a state of obscurity, ambiguity, and uncertainty experienced by this noblewoman.

"I will accept a blue skin or large fangs or sharp horns." She mumbled, trying to communicate with the god she believes in. 

Religion remained a part of human society but not as powerful as centuries before. But one Asian nation holds a very tight grip of their religion and agreed with all of its people to never use their abilities, and live like their ancestral species Homo sapiens. The people never bothered to protest because they believe that it is a test of God whether humans will satisfy their wants with the given gift or not. It is suggested by the public that whoever lacks gifts must be sent to the Asian state. The nation almost closed its gates to the world and become a hermit. It is self-sustaining and never bothers to import unnecessary wants. But some of its citizens classified to be Upsilon individuals are deported because of unwillingly high power inheritance. Luckily, there's still no record of any Epsilon individual.

But right now, Lemerence did not bother, whether she will be sent to the hermit nation or not, her father being away during her birthday, her unread requirement book, nor her Hawaiian dress soaking wet because of the raging ocean waves. Then she began to run. The open space proffered her the ability to run the fastest as she can.

"My dear! Where are you going?" Stella shouted emerging from her seat.

Lemerence did not bother. She continued running, going straight ahead.

It is a scene of a normal girl with a dripping Hawaiian dress, running, with no idea where she's going. Proceeding straight to nowhere. Trying to escape from the life she has. Trying to leave the reality she is facing. It is a scene of a normal girl.

She woke up the next morning in their air-conditioned room in Hawaii, failing to recollect what happened after she pushed herself from running fast. She first heard the buzzing sound of the air cooler. Her mother's voice is the second.

"Dearest, I was very worried. I have called a doctor from the nearest hospital after you lost your consciousness. What has gotten into your mind?! The doctor said there's nothing wrong. It's just exhaustion. I am surely relieved after hearing that, my dear."

"And so do I," she uttered. "No one knows where this day will lead me," she thought. Then noticed some patches of sand in her bed and her unchanged Hawaiian dress.

The next moments are all momentary.

Stella's phone rang. "It is your father, dear," she said with a smile then clicked the green button her screen is showing.

Liandrum's firm voice cracked the passive taciturnity of the cold room saying "The parliament will come in one hour. There will be a voice call from them after this. If you can book any jet plane from there right away, please do. I did everything; I offered them everything. I have called people from home but they will arrive in least two hours as their fastest travel. They'll not make it. Stella, I still want to see my daughter, please." 

Stella hang up the phone without saying a word to his husband.

"Mother... What will we do?" Lemerence asked trying to keep herself calm.

"We must-" But before Stella can even answer her daughter, without ringing, an automated voice started speaking over her device and Lemerence's.

"This is the local parliament of Hawaii. We are here to notify you that your country, England, has apprised us to navigate and harmlessly take Ms. Lemerence Seraphim, the individual suggested to have a DNA reading of "Missing Gene Inheritance." We are coming in less than ten minutes.-"

"But Liandrum said one hour," Lemerence thought.

"From all directions, North, West, East, and South. We have detected a previous call from your device. Do not try to escape. There will be substantial charges if you do so.-"

The young lady grew more fear that is more than everything that has frightened her before.

"We will elaborate the situation and send further details to the relatives where the said individual will be taken, and probably live. And also the understandable reasons why. Today is October 8, 2008. Aloha."

Stella looked very certain. "We can do nothing, my dear."

From that moment, Lemerence accepted the living fact that she will face a not-so-normal life for being normal.

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