Swan Song: Part Three

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Dean's not Dean if he doesn't make an entrance. You know Michael and Lucifer are already at the cemetery, and to make sure they know you're coming, he revs his engine and turns up his music. Both archangels are standing a few feet apart as Dean drives up to them. He stops about ten feet away from them and turns off the car.

"Are you ready?" you ask and look at him.

"No," he sighs but gets out of the car anyways. You get out on your end, and Lucifer grows angry. However, neither angel attacks just yet. "Howdy, boys. Sorry. Are we interrupting something?"

"We need to talk," you say as you look at Lucifer.

"Y/N, Dean, even for you two, this is a whole new mountain of stupid," Lucifer smirks.

"We're not talking to you," Dean says and advances a few steps. You do the same. "We're talking to Sam."

"You're no longer the vessel, Dean. Amara has no business with this fight. You two got no right to be here," Michael announces.

"Adam, if you're in there somewhere, I am so sorry," Dean sighs.

"Adam isn't home right now."

"Well, then you're next on our list, buttercup," you give him a bittersweet smile. "But right now, we need five minutes with him."

"You little maggot. You two are no longer a part of this story!" Michael shouts and starts to advance towards you two.

Your eyes start to glow blue in case you need to use your magic to defend yourself, but Castiel's voice comes out of nowhere.

"Hey, ass-butt!"

Castiel is standing with your dad, and he has a Molotov in his hands. You assume that it's doused with holy fire if he's going to use it on Michael. Without giving his older brother a chance to speak, he throws the concoction at him. Michael bursts into flames, and he screams loudly to match his pain level. He burns up until he's completely gone. You're glad he did that, but Lucifer just looks pissed.

"Ass-butt?" Dean asks, and Castiel just shrugs.

"He'll be back—and upset—but you got your five minutes."

"Castiel. Did you just Molotov my brother with holy fire?" Lucifer glares.

"Uh," Castiel looks very nervous since Lucifer can do some real damage to him, "no."

"No one dicks with Michael but me," Lucifer growls.

Lucifer has no need for his much younger brother, and he raises his right hand and snaps. Castiel explodes in a rain of blood and chunks of meat. You scream, and your first instinct is to go to him, but Dean stops you. He's already dead, and there isn't anything you can do. Your dad just looks terrified, and there is no way he can go up against Lucifer alone.

"Sammy, can you hear me?" Dean asks hopefully.

"You know, I tried to be nice for Sammy's sake. But you two," he walks closer to you and Dean, "are such pains," he grips yours and Dean's collars in his hands, "in my ass."

He throws you two into the windshield of Dean's car, and it cracks under your weight. Even though you're not that far from it, the force Lucifer gave is enough to almost break it. He advances towards you two, but your dad does something incredibly stupid. He shoots Lucifer in the back. The archangel turns to look at him, and he shoots him again in the chest.

"No," you whisper and sit up.

You look between Lucifer and your dad. If what he did to Castiel might happen to your dad, you don't know what you'll do. Your dad looks at you and just shrugs since he didn't know what else to do. He wasn't going to just stand there and watch Lucifer beat you two up. The archangel doesn't move except to raise his right hand.

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