Point of No Return: Part One

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Dean hasn't spoken to you since your fight. He's still beyond pissed at you for what you did, and you can't blame him. He has every right to scream at you, and you're surprised he hasn't gotten physical about it. Sure, he would never hit you on purpose, but the anger you saw in him last night told you he was on the brink. Maybe that's why he left. You don't know where he went to, who he saw, or what he did. At this point, all you care about is if he's safe and sound.

Sam easily found him with little effort, and despite your arguments that he didn't want to see you, he made you go with him anyway.

"Sam, he doesn't want to see me. He hates me."

"He doesn't hate you. I know my brother, and I know the love he has for you."

"Yeah, well, you didn't see the anger in his eyes. He won't want to see me or talk to me. I don't blame him," you sigh.

"Okay, you have got to stop with the self-loathing. You made a mistake. It's not like you can't make another child if you two really wanted to."

"Would he though? How can I expect him to just forgive me like that? How can I expect him to trust me ever again? He won't!"

"Then make another child."

"That's not the issue, Sam. Yeah, we can make one, but I don't want it to grow up in a world like this. Do you honestly expect me to raise a child like how we were? I can say that I won't just like your mom did, but there is always going to be something. I'm a fucking witch for crying out loud! I will always be involved! How can I put a child through what we went through? Up until yesterday, I thought that's what Dean wanted too."

"You're going to have to talk to him," Sam says as he approaches a motel door.

"Yeah, later."

"No, now. Castiel will be here any minute, so we need to get this over with."

"Fine," you huff.

Sam picks the door lock and opens the door to see Dean packing his things into a cardboard box. Wait, he just put his car keys and gun into the box. Is he planning on doing something stupid? Where did he go last night? If he says yes to Michael, then you're going to be the only one to blame here. Your news is what pushed him over the edge, you know it.

"Sending someone a candy-gram?" Sam comments, and Dean looks at his brother through the mirror in front of him.

His eyes shift to you, and he quickly looks away in haste.

"Get out."

"Dean," whimper.

He puts his hand up to silence you since he can't stand the sound of your voice right now. He shakes his head and decides to ignore you, only addressing his brother.

"How'd you find me?"

"You're going to kill yourself, right? It's not too hard to figure out the stops on the Farewell Tour," Sam scoffs.

"Who did you see last night?" you ask.

"I'm not going to kill myself," Dean directs his comment to Sam, and your shoulders sag in sadness.

"No? So Michael's not about to make you his Muppet? What the hell, man? This is how it ends? You just... walk out?"

"Yeah, I guess," he shrugs.

"Dean, I know I made a mistake, but please don't do this. How could you do that?"

"How could I?" he yells, pointing his glare at you. "How could you! No, you know what, I am not doing this. Get. Out."

Supernatural Series Rewrite- Season 5Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat