Good God, Y'All: Part Two

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The sun was hot as it shone down on you. There were no clouds in sight to protect you from the rays, but you kept a high head as you searched for anything in this desolate town. The near side of the street has a sporting goods store advertising ammo, rods and reels, and a thirty percent sale for Pioneers Day; the far side is residential. Apart from you and the Winchesters, there were no other signs of life.

From across the street next to a sporting goods store, Big Louie's, there was a car that was overturned in the street. Gripping your gun tightly, you approached the car cautiously. Peering in, it was empty of any sign of human life. Looking at the brothers, you shook your head to signal to them that it was empty. It was time to move on since Rufus was here and in trouble; not to mention the demons.

A sprinkler is running in front of one of the houses: whatever happened to clear the area happened fast enough that no one turned it off. There's another car in the street, this one tan and the right way up. The driver's door is open, the engine is running, and the radio is playing "Spirit in the Sky". You didn't have to approach it to know it was empty. Turning off the car, you looked around in frustration.

A banner hangs over the street, welcoming folks to the seventy-fifth anniversary of River Pass, Colorado's Pioneer Days, with pictures of Grand Marshall Jerry Wanek and Rodeo Queen Lee Lee Laschuk. Something sparks at the gas station which pulled your attention to a silver four-door sedan. The driver's door stands open. There's a baby stroller next to the door and a great deal of blood in front of and leading away from the door. You three approach the car, but no one was inside. There's a large hole in the windshield, but otherwise, there is nothing else suspicious.

"What the hell happened?" you exclaimed. Just as you three were going to go on, you heard a gun cock from behind your head. Quickly whipping around, you leveled your shotgun at whoever was pointing theirs at you.

"Ellen?" Sam asked as you lowered your gun.

"Hello, boys. Y/N."

"Ellen, what the hell is going on here?" you asked as she approached. She didn't say anything except to throw water in yours and Dean's faces since Sam was too far from her. Sighing, you closed your eyes as the water dripped from your eyes and mouth.

"We're us," Dean spoke.

"We got tattoos, remember?" you huffed as you wiped the water off. Ellen refused to say more, but she led the way to a church where hopefully you would get some answers. She led you through a corridor and down a hallway where there was a devil's trap drawn inside the doorway and a line of salt across the threshold. You four walk across it with no problems.

"Real glad to see you boys. You too Y/N," she said as she went to hug Dean. When she pulled away, she slapped him hard across the face which caused you to gasp in shock. "The can of whoopass I ought to open on you!"


"You can't pick up a phone? What are you, allergic to giving me peace of mind? I got to find out that you're alive from Rufus?"

"Sorry, Ellen," he sighed.

"Yeah, you better be. You better put me on speed dial, kid."

"Yes, ma'am," he nodded. After a pause, she turns to lead you three further inside.

"What is going on, Ellen?" you asked.

"More than I can handle alone."

"How many demons are there?" Sam asked.

"Pretty much the whole town, minus the dead people and these guys," she said as she stopped outside of a closed door. Whoever was inside was safe from the demons out there. "So, this is it, right? End times? It's got to be."

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