Good God, Y'All: Final Part

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By the time Ellen got back, she returned without Sam. She had a look of sadness on her face which gave you the clue that something terrible happened to Sam, she found her daughter in a way that she never wanted to, or both.

"Where is Sam?" Dean asked. Ellen just shook her head as she walked inside the church.

"They took him? Demons took him? Oh my god. What if they're in here? The demons?" the pregnant woman asked in a panic.

"Could they get in?" the Pastor asked.

"No," Dean assured him as he grabbed his shotgun. Jumping up from your seat, you rushed to him and placed a hand on his chest.

"Let me go. If there are demons out there, and this is serious, then I can protect myself a hell of a lot better than you can. I'm just saying. I can find Sam and Jo, you can stay down here and keep everyone calm and figure out what the hell is going on. If it were up to me? There are no demons in this town."

"You think there is something making us see demons?"

"Like I said earlier, Roger isn't human. Figure out what the hell he is while I go and get Sam."

"Okay, I trust you," he whispered. Leaning into his body, you kissed him tenderly but quickly before leaving the room. It was now up to you to figure out what was going on in this town while trying to find Sam and Jo.

The town was desolate and calm, there was no way there were demons here. Keeping your ears and eyes peeled for anything suspicious, you walked around town, peeking into houses to see if you could spot Sam or Jo. When you found no sign of them, you continued onto the next street to do the same thing.

This street was the same as the last, but you felt eyes on you as you walked. Someone was watching you, but you didn't know where or what they were. Passing by a house that has all its doors and windows open, you must have triggered something because you were suddenly being shot at.

As a defense mechanism, you used your magic to deflect the bullets as you approached the man who was shooting at you.

"Get back demon!" he yelled as he started throwing holy water at you. Okay, there were definitely no demons in this town because there was no way in hell that you could ever be one.

"I'm not a demon!" you exclaimed as the two of you started fighting. Knives and guns don't work on demons, so all he had to protect himself was holy water and some salt that he kept trying to shove down your throat. This man was really testing your patience with this, and you started to grow frustrated.

"Dude! Stop! I am not a demon!" you raised your voice, your eyes turning blue as soon as you said the last word. In the heat of the moment, you placed your glowing blue hand on the guy's forehead as his skin absorbed your magic. Realization seemed to cross over his eyes, and he immediately stopped trying to fight you.

"What the hell happened?" he asked.

"Go back to the church. It's safe there. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Don't talk to anyone, just go there and stay there," you instructed. He seemed to trust you enough to listen, and as he was running away, you stared at your hand. The power you possessed was always surprising to you. From one of the houses, you heard what sounded to be Sam screaming, and you took off running to it. Approaching the house carefully, you muttered the invisible spell under your breath to conceal yourself. It wouldn't be good for you to get spotted, and this way, you could easily see what was going on.

Looking in the window, you spotted Jo and Rufus in the corner as they held Sam's head forcefully. Jo held Sam steady as Rufus poured salt down his throat and said the exorcism.

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