Hermione giggled at that.

"anyway, we sent Theo and Blaise over while Draco and I went to the boys dorm room to tidy things up so you could come up.

"When the boys arrived you had passed out. They placed you on Dracos bed and once they found you you was as okay as you could be, they left."

Hermione squeezed Pansy's hand in gratitude and sat up in bed. They sat next to each other and chatted for a while before there was a small knock at the door.

Draco opened the door and smiled when he saw Hermione awake.

"hiya Love, feeling better?" he asked and Hermione nodded. Draco walked across the room and whispered something in Pansy's ear. The slytherin sighed and leaned over to place a kiss on Hermione's cheek.

"sorry baby something came up. Draco will take you back to your room when you're up to walking again," she said. Hermione nodded.

"oh okay, see you soon?" Pansy nodded and left the room. "what's going on?" Hermione asked Draco as he sat by her feet on the bed.

"well, you see, after you were brought down here Pansy might have freaked out. She was worried about you. So she went storming off towards the great hall, I only just managed to catch up to her before she did anything stupid.

"She started explaining what she was going to do to Weasley for what he did to you when a teacher came round the corner. He heard her very detailed explanation and gave her detention for tonight."

Hermione was about to ask what she had planned, but if it was bad enough for a detention, she didn't want to know.

"anyway, there's now a rumour going round that it's Blaise that you're dating."

"what? Where on earth did they get that idea from?"

"Well, they heard Blaise call you 'Darling' which is stupid because if anyone knows any of our friend group they'd know we all give each other pet names so that was just stupid, I guess it's good enough neither of them tried to kiss you that would have just made everything ten times worse."

The two of them laughed for a while.

"um... 'Mione? I kind of have something to tell you."

"what is it?"

"I have a crush on someone...."

Hermione grinned and grabbed Dracos hand.

"Tell me! Tell me tell me tell me"

"okay I will, merlin." Draco laughed and bit his lip.

"um I don't think he'd like me back... He's a hufflepuff. And I'm a slytherin. We're in a few of the same classes. Anyway his names Charlie.... Buckman? I think."

"wait, Charlie. Muggle born, Light brown hair, taller than me shorter than you?" Hermione had her 'thinking face' on that made Draco want to laugh, except she seemed to know exactly who he was talking about.

"yeah, him. Do you know him? Can you introduce us?" Dracos voice was getting louder and louder and Hermione laughed.

"we're in a book club together, but we sometimes study together in the library... Maybe we could have a games night and I could invite him?"

"YES! I mean, yeah sure that sounds great." Draco cleared his throat and Hermione smiled at him.

"come on, I think it's time I went back to my own bed. I bet the others are worried about me."

Draco helped Hermione sit up and wrapped her arms around his waist for better balance.

"come on, let's go."

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