Bunny At A Ball

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"Someone's jittery.", Tae hyung teases. I don't blame him though. If I was in his position and I saw myself, I would also tease myself.

Today is the first day I will formally be introduced to the outside world. Well, half-introduced.

It's going to be my first official appearance to the public but they're not going to see my face because I'm going to be wearing a mask.

I'm kinda glad. All I've ever wanted was to be treated as a normal person without having to hide my identity and being caged in the palace.

My hyungs were the only friends I had as well as my cousins, Jennie and Jisoo noona whereas my parents were always busy but i understand them.
They are the rulers of this country after all.

But my hyungs never made me feel lonely. They were the sons if the families closest to the Royal Family since ages past.

Tae hyung most especially. He might be older than me but trust me when I say I'm the more matured one in our relationship, and that says a lot.

We even came up with this idea where Tae hyung pretends to be me wearing a mask while I get to roam the palace when we were younger.

Now that we're older, he pretends to be me in a mask whiles I can escape from the palace and just roam the streets of the capital.

No one knows about it aside from my hyungs and my cousins. If my parents ever found out I'd be dead for sure, future king or not.

But it's good, I get to see my kingdom, not from books but personally. I've seen how people live their daily lives and no one knows I'm the prince.

I usually just observe but that day in the park, I couldn't help but approach her.

She seemed different from other girls I've witnessed and I guess that's what piqued my interest in her.

I guess you could say I had mixed feelings when I heard she was the daughter of Lord Manoban which means she could possibly be my future wife.

From what I've heard, the other bachelorettes have made it their life's goal to impress me and get to marry me but her? Wow. She even thinks I look like a troll and totally abhors the idea of marrying a complete stranger, even though it meant she might get to become queen.

I'm happy because she's not as desperate as the rest of them, heck she's not even interested. What's ironic is I'm upset because she's not interested and hence will try to get out of this as soon as possible. Funny right?

"I just want to get this over with."

"So, you're not the slightest bit interested in anything that might happen tonight?", Tae hyung asks.

"No." Lie.

"Not even in a certain grey haired girl with bangs?", Jimin teases.

"Don't you have some girl to be flirting with?", I shoot back.

Jimin hyung throws a pillow at me but it hits Tae hyung as he passes and he throws it back hitting Jimin hyung square in the face.

"Ha.", Tae hyung laughs and grins sheepishly.

"You're a child."

"You're a dwarf."



/10 minutes later/

"Short stack."

"Box boy."



"How long has that been going on?", Jennie noona asks as she enters my room.

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