The First Judgement

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It was just like in the movies, the trumpets blowing, the breeze brushing past, and the all too cliché slow walk. I don't know why, but it seems the slow walk seems to add more drama to the situation. Maybe I should try it some time.

Everyone seemed to be in awe. I  wouldn't blame them though, even I was.

The prince. He was definitely... something.

Soon, we were called to the front and the noise hushed. When I say we, I mean we as in my fellow bachelorettes and I, or as we have been officially dubbed, Haran.

And there before us, the Royal Family. Jennie and Jisoo unnie looking beautiful as ever. Prince Namjoon looking quite smart. The king in all his majesty. The queen in all her magnificence. And finally the prince, looking all...princely in his white suit accompanied with his white mask.

Just when you're ready to find out the identity of of one of the most important people in your country, he shows up in a mask. But you can still tell he's quite good looking.

Yes Lisa, because looking at a man who you've just met for the first time who's wearing a mask and is standing at least 2 metres in front of you can easily tell whether he's good looking or not...

Jisoo unnie gives an introduction on the task given to us.

Ms. Lee begins to announce our names to begin the presentation.

"Lady Kim Yerim."

The said girl walks forward with what looks like a perfume bottle. She bows to the royalties.

"Your Majesties, I found the solution after considerable thought. The essence from the flowers can be converted into perfume which can be used whenever.", she explains and the king and queen simply nod.

She returns to her former position as the next person is called.

"Lady Chou Tzuyu."

A beautiful girl steps forward with a bouquet in hand. She bows to the royalties then begins her presentation.

"Your Majesties. No life is eternal, no matter how much its health is taken care of. Therefore I thought why not make an exact replica but rather artificial where there is no risk of it dying...", of course there'd be no risk of it dying since it was never alive in the first place.

She returns back to her position with her ever graceful smile still intact.

A few more names are called but I'm too bored to pay attention until a particular name perks my interest...

"Lady Kim Eunha."

And there she was, my arch nemesis. We may have been just little kids but we weren't too little to not recognize the feeling of enmity between us.

She steps forward with an object covered by a veil and a charming smile on her face that could draw anyone to her but not me. I know what's behind that smile...and its not as pretty as the smile itself.

"Your Majesties. The task was quite unexpected and the time given was even more unexpected but such is life. I already had my research on the Royal Family and it was brought to my attention that art was one of the things that soothes the Royal Family. And even so, art is considered as a universal method of releasing stress and finding inner peace. Therefore after being informed that the Royal Garden is a place which relaxes the prince, I concluded on merging both...", she unveils the object to reveal a painting of the Royal Garden. "This way the prince can be even more relaxed.", the queen smiles at her obviously impressed with her work.

Eunha's smile grows even wider before she returns to her former position.

I see Jennie unnie subtly roll her eyes at her and I can't help but chuckle. At least I'm not the only one who hates her.

I'm brought out of my amused thoughts when I hear a name I've been dreading to hear since this whole thing began...

"Lady Pranpriya Manoban."

I take confident steps forward as murmurs begin to rise from the guests as well as a few glares directed at me.

Shut up. You're not the only ones who don't want me here. Even I don't want me here but do you see me glaring at myself like I'm the cause of world hunger...

I bow and face the Royal Family. Jennie and Jisoo unnie send me small smiles and I return them with a brighter smile.

Someone might misunderstand and think I'm smiling at the prince since Jisoo unnie is standing next to him.

But I do notice one thing though, the prince, he seems to be staring

"Your Majesties. The task given was quite confusing and I had to give it much thought...", not completely a lie. I had to think long and hard for an answer that would discourage the prince from choosing me and at the same time not make me look dumb.

"And finally, I came up with this."

The murmurs grow louder as everyone stares at the plastic bag in my hand in confusion, the king and queen not an exception. Even Jennie and Jisoo unnie look confused since I didn't exactly tell them about my plan but only that they shouldn't worry, I've got it all in he bag, literally.

"You may be wondering what is in this bag. This bag contains seeds, specifically flower seeds. No one can disrupt the circle of life, it's just the law of nature. Even from its name, the circle of life, it's a cycle. So I pondered over it and came to a conclusion that, why not try to continue the cycle than end it with a final result. With these seeds, more flowers can be grown which will in turn produce seeds and the cycle goes on and on. Hence, these seeds were my final answer.", I end my presentation, hoping that they were not too moved by my science lecture.

I always knew there was a reason why I was always awake and attentive whenever this topic was being discussed in school...

I bow and face the royalties once again. The king and queen seem to have a satisfied smile on their lips, Prince Namjoon also seems to have an impressed smile on and the girls are just full out grinning.

I think my plan just backfired...

I don't know why but I feel like the prince is also smiling because of the wrinkles at his eyes but then again, maybe that's just how his face is. After all, I've never seen him before.

Our gazes seem to lock and I can't help  but stare back. It's like his eyes are pulling me in.

'Yes Lisa, because it's not weird to be having these thoughts about someone who is standing about 4 metres away from you'

But his eyes, those eyes. It seems like I've seen them somewhere before but I just can't put my finger on it.

I'm brought out of our 'staring contest' as I like to call it when the next lady is called.

I return back to my former position and lower my head trying to convince myself that my plan didn't backfire.

After about a couple of minutes, I lift my head again only to meet the prince's eyes still on me.

What the...

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