The First Task

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On the left wing of the palace is a corridor where the servants almost never used. Along this corridor lies a secret passage which leads to a secret room only occupied by seven people and at times two people also.

"Oh, oh, the ladies are in the garden.", the brown haired boy says smiling excitedly as he peers through the window looking at the said females.

"They're hot.", the blonde mochi comments, moving to the window next to his friend.

"Yah, Jimin, those are Jungkook's brides.", the eldest reminds him.

"But hyung, it's not like he's going to marry all of them. And either way, he has his ice cream girl.",  Jimin defends.

"What? I thought it was his home screen girl", another brown haired boy with heart lips counters.

"What about the park girl?", Taehyung asks confused.

"Oh, our Kookie is becoming quite the player eh?", Jimin wiggles his eyebrows at the younger, earning a smack on the head from Taehyung beside him.

"Shut up, not everyone is like you."

"Have you maybe considered that all three girls could be the same person?", Namjoon proposes.

"Oh, that makes more sense.", Taehyung nods.

"You think?", Jungkook looks up from his phone.

"Two of them seem different though.", Jimin points out.

"How so?", Hoseok asks.

"Well, one has red hair and the other has grey hair.", Taehyung explains.

"What?", Jungkook moves over to the window alongside his hyungs, intrigued about the said ladies.

"She came.", Jungkook unconsciously mutters.

"Who?", Jin asks, trying to identify the said girl the boy was talking about.

"The ice cream girl?"

"Home screen girl?"

"Park girl?"

Jungkook gives his three hyungs a 'seriously' look.

"Oh right.", Hoseok grins sheepishly.

"So who are those two?", Jimin asks no one in particular.

"Lalisa Manoban, daughter of Lord Manoban.", a voice startles them from behind.

"Hyung. I thought you were asleep.", Jimin asks, his hands on his chest.

"How can I sleep when your noisy ass is always disturbing me.", the elder retorts.

"Hyung!", Jimin pouts.

"But how do you know her hyung?", Hoseok asks.

"Unlike you idiots, aside from Namjoon-"



"I thought we were way past that!"

"I'm your hyung you brat!"

"I actually listened to the full story and not in pieces.", Yoongi says, ignoring them and going back to sleep.

"Anyway, she's hot.", Jimin comments.

"Yeah, I know. Which is why I don't want you to mess with her.", Jungkook turns to his hyung with a serious look.

"Sheesh, alright alright. What about the red haired one? Should I also stay away from her?", Jimin rolls his eyes.

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