Grand Entrance

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"So, how was your date?", I just got back from my meeting and that's the first greeting I receive from Rosé.

"Who said I was on a date?", I plopped face down on my bed.

"I saw you. The guy from the park. He's cute. Why didn't I go to him?", I  turn my body and sit back up.

"Correction, he came to me. And, y6saw us?"

"Yeah, you guys were acting all flirty with each other at the park. That's why I decided to leave with Chanyeol, so you could have some alone time."

"What? I only left cuz you left."

"Oh...well, all is well that ends well. So, how was your date?"

"It wasn't a date-"

"Yes, and Selena Gomez is my dad."

"It was a casual hangout, meeting, outing-"

"I get it. You're trying to prove that your date wasn't a date even though it was. Go on.", I roll my eyes at her comment.

"It was actually nice. I mean, what else would you expect from sharing ice cream with a total stranger for about 10 minutes whom you just met."

"I dunno. Did you both kiss? I mean like, French kiss?", Gosh, what am I going to do with this girl?

"I don't know. Did you share a French kiss with Chanyeol?"

"No, that'd just be straight out weird."

", what about Chanyeol?"

"He was cute, funny and sweet. But I didn't really dig him."

"Too bad, you both looked like a cute couple."

"Duh, I would be one of the partners so of course we'd look cute.", I just chuckle and shake my head, already used to Rosé.

"Anyway, your mom said to be at the palace tomorrow by 9am sharp. Something about getting acquainted with your future family and the enemy."

"Ugh, the torture begins."

"Don't worry I'll be with you all the way."

"You sound like some sorta fairy godmother comforting some peasant girl."

"Really? I was going for a sympathetic responsible adult comforting a poor hopeless child but that works too."


"That also works."


"Ugh, someone tell the sun to tone it down a bit.", I mumble as I bury my head into my pillow.

"Miss Lalisa...", is the sun really responding?

"Miss Lalisa? Miss Lalisa?...", I feel a gentle push on my shoulder. Since when did the sun have arms? I really should paid more attention in science classes.

"Mr. Sun?", I mumble, slowly fluttering my eyelids open only to be greeted with...

"Mr. Choi?"

"Miss Lalisa, your appointment."

"What appointment?"

"The appointment you have at the palace."

"What palace?"

"The palace where you and the other bachelorettes are supposed to be meeting at 9am."

"Oh...that palace. What's the time?"

"A quarter to 9am."

"Oh shit! I'm late!", I scramble out of bed to get ready.

"Is Rosé awake?"

"I've appointed one of the staff to wake her up."

"Oh, good.", I sprint to the bathroom to get ready. Huh, how ironic. I'm desperately trying to get ready in time for a meeting I don't even want to attend.

After showering and brushing my teeth, I change into a pink oversized crop sweater and white ripped jeans with a pair of timberlands. I leave my grey hair to fall loosely at my back. I head downstairs to the kitchen where I see Rosé with a cookie in her mouth.

"You're late.", she says with her mouth full.

"Gee thanks, I didn't know."

"Let's go.", she grabs my hand and drags me outside just as I grab a couple cookies. There's a car ready and waiting for us immediately we walk out the front doors of the house. Bless your soul  , Mr. Choi.

"Come on, let's show them that you're the worst possible person they could choose to marry the prince.", she sounded both wrong and right at the same time.


Meanwhile, in the grand hall of the palace...

"You are all warmly welcomed to the palace.", the ladies present simply bowed a little and curtsied in response.

"It is with great pleasure that I, on behalf of the Royal Family, welcome you. One of you wonderful ladies of nobility will be chosen by the prince to be his bride and the future queen of Gymein ", this aroused a wave of murmurs among the ladies which died down at the sound of the woman's voice.

"But, it will not be a random selection. You all will be tested in various ways. You will also be educated on the life of royalty, the responsibilities that come with it, grace, etiquette and manners-"

"We're here!..."

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