The Ball

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Please read the next chapter, The First Task, before reading this chapter. There was a switch up. Thank you


After, the assignment of the first task at the palace, we were dismissed in order to start creating our solutions, literally. Jisoo unnie and Jennie unnie exchanged numbers with Pasta and I. They're actually very likeable people. For a princess, Jisoo unnie is quite extra.

I find the princesses interesting and funny.

I find Prince Namjoon cute, very cute.

I find the crown prince...well, there's not much to say when you don't really know the guy, at all. And that's what made this arranged marriage even more frustrating.

I actually planned on failing the first task, but then the looks Jennie unnie and Jisoo unnie were giving me were too much. Don't even get me started on when Jennie unnie used her baby voice. It's like a 2 year old is hiding somewhere in her body.

My final decision was to try my very least to pass. I would put in very very little effort, but hey, at least I put in effort.

Right now, I'm roaming the streets of the capital trying to get a solution. How the hell are we supposed to create and present a solution in less than 12 hours.

I say I because I'm trying to think of a solution but my partner here is lavishing herself in ice cream.

"I don't know why you're stressing out about this. After all, you don't want to marry the prince, right?", oh so now she remembers that I don't want to marry the prince.

"Of course I don't. It's just, my mom is really counting on me on this and Jennie and Jisoo unnie also want me to at least try to put in some effort. I can't put in too much effort else it will seem like I want to look good in the prince's eyes but on the other hand if I decide to just do anything at all it could come out insulting but then-"

"Lis, you're overthinking this. Just go with the flow. You'll come up with something."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"I'm always right. But for no, we're going dress shopping for the ball."



"How are you feeling?", Ro asks me as we take a seat in our assigned car. My parents left earlier in a different car.

"Like I'm about to shit myself."

"Okay, that's good I guess.", I turn to face her but she just shrugs and giggles.

"How encouraging."

"But hey at least we look good."

"Lisa honey, I always look good.", she corrects me.

(Lisa's dress)

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(Lisa's dress)

(Lisa's dress)

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Rosé's dress)

"And you're sure this solution of yours is going to work?"

"I'm positive. I'll fail but I'll fail with effort.", I assure her.

"Okay, I'm just nervous."

"Don't worry. Everything's gonna be fine." Wait a minute. Aren't I the one who's supposed to be nervous?

We finally arrive at the palace. My nerves are starting to kick in. We're ushered into the grand hall and the ball is already in full swing.

I spot my mom and dad speaking to a few politicians. I smile at them and my mom smiles back while my dad sends me a wink.

Ro suddenly grabs my arm and drags me across the room to where Jisoo and Jennie unnie are on their own. Seems her nerves have calmed down unlike someone I know.

"Jisoo unnie! Jennie unnie!"

"Rosé! Lisa!", they greet us with bright smiles.

"You both look beautiful.", Jennie unnie compliments us.

"So do you.", I compliment them both back.

"I always look beautiful.", they both say simultaneously.

"That's what I say.", Ro gasps and starts giggling.

"So, are you ready?", Jennie unnie asks me.

"Yeah, just a little nervous I guess."

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. All you need to do is to not impress the prince with your answer while not making it seem insulting and not making a fool of yourself and so it doesn't seem like you want to impress him.", Jisoo unnie says.

"Thanks for the pep talk.", I say dryly.

"You're welcome."

"I didn't me-", I am interrupted by a very beautiful man. Yeah, he's so good looking I'm calling him beautiful.

"Excuse me ladies."

"What do you want dwarf?", Jennie unnie crosses her arms at Beautiful.

"Jennie, no need to be so bitter.", Beautiful says. " I would like to ask this beautiful lady here to dance.", he stretches his tight hand to Rosé.

"Don't fall for it. He calls anything that wears a skirt beautiful.", Jisoo unnie says.

"And yet I don't seem to remember calling you beautiful."

"That's because I'm gorgeous.", Beautiful     just rolls his eyes at Jisoo unnie before turning back to Rosé.

"So, shall we?"

"Sure, why not.", Ro accepts his offer.

"Oh and Jen, Tae is looking for you. He says it's really, really, really, really important."

"That's two less really's than the last time he said something like this." Jennie unnie says.

"Oh that's because he said really, really, really, really, super duper, very very important.", Beautiful replies

"Great. What is it this time?", Jennie unnie rolls her eyes.

"Come on Jen, I don't know. You know sometimes I don't get that kid. But then again, sometimes no one gets him."

With a sigh, Jennie unnie excuses herself in search of Tae and Beautiful leads Ro away to dance.

"Park Jimin."

"Mmh?", I question.

"There are six men closest to the prince from the families closest to the Royal Family for years. One of them, Park Jimin, is the one Rosé is dancing with right now. Another, Kim Taehyung is the one who so eagerly requested Jennie's presence. My brother is one as well.", she explains.

"So that means that, they've seen the prince before?"

"Yes. Even Jennie and I have. He's one hell of an annoying prick. Don't even get me started on when he, Tae and Jimin come together. They're like a tornado of mischief.", she says, all while smiling.

"But is he good looking though?"


"The prince."

"That's for you to find out as long with the world when the time is right."

"But I just wanna know. My physical perception of him is that he looks like a troll, no offense.", she laughs at my comparison.

"I'll tell you this though. His looks don't disappoint. Just make sure to never tell him I said so."

"Don't worry. This might be just the first and last time I see the prince."

Our conversation is interrupted when a loud voice announces the arrival of the person we were just talking about.

Everyone goes silent as the king and queen make their way into the grand hall. And last but definitely not least...the prince.

Oh boy...

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