11: Feelings

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I awoke to the sound of obnoxious beeping. In those movies where everyone can slam their hand upon the snooze button on the alarm clock without even opening an eye, has clearly never come across an iPhone. You have physically sit up to even see the screen to swipe and turn off the incessant noise. Oh, but apparently knowing I would turn it off, just five minutes later a siren polluted my bedroom, causing me to swing my legs off the side of the bed and grab the phone. I squinted at the screen to see it read 7:06 as I did the final swipe to delete the sound that almost shattered my eardrums.

After sitting on my bed for two minutes willing for my brain to wake up a little bit, I realised the pleading would be useless and I would be in this state for the morning at the very least. I placed my phone on the dock sat on my white desk, as I clicked on my Spotify and all but collapsed on my chair next to the wooden table. When the phone had loaded I scrolled through my starred playlist to find my chosen song, Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles. I was a big fan of the four and considering it was March I decided I had waited enough to play the song of my summer.

By half past seven I had taken my shower and got dried. I still stood in a towel looking through my wardrobe eyeing up what there was to where, I'm not going to lie, I loved the badass look and adored dressing that way. My dress style was somewhat in between both Holly and Charlie's and I could suit both rock chick and girly girl at the same time. I had chosen a flowery dress with nude tights and lace up boots - the best of both worlds. How I missed Hannah Montana.

As the word sun started repeating I realised it was in a loop and changed my music to Steal My Girl, I guess my music taste was another story. My music varied between what mood I was in and whether I could actually be bothered to change what was on. Saying that though, I do enjoy listening to most types of music, from Oasis to The Beatles to Jackson 5 to ACDC to One Direction. I could sit and listen to Charlie's music in history and then Holly's in maths, it didn't even matter what they were listening to.

I trundled down the stairs to grab breakfast which consisted of me nearly setting fire to the kitchen but at the same time managing to cook an omelette with ketchup on the side. Unusual I know, but I was at the dentist at half nine so I could leisurely get up and ready, even with having the alarm wake me from my slumber.

I finished my food, washed up the dishes as my mum wasn't home and hopped up the stairs with newly found energy. I brushed my teeth for five minutes as I didn't want to disgust the dentist with vomit worthy breath, I know it couldn't possibly be that bad to put hands in my mouth as I had read through a dentistry magazine from sheer boredom. Let's just say I'm scarred for life and will always brush my teeth twice a day.

Anyway, I put my make up on and left most of my hair down leaving two plaits to go the the back of my hair and checked the time. I had seventeen minutes before I had to leave so I decided to check all my social medias. On Facebook I had one friend request, on twitter I had gained three new followers and my Instagram stayed on 382; I had also found out that Amy Myers was now in a relationship with Henry Beckett, Charlie's youngest brother, something I would be quizzing her about. Finally I had posted the picture from a few day previous of after we went to the diner. I personally loved the picture and had it printed and stuck on my photo wall.

My photo wall was the wall my bed leaned against. There was a hundred or so pictures of me, Holly, Charlie and Samuel above the head of my bed, from the time we were all five up to a couple of weeks ago. I loved it because when I felt sad, it instantly made me feel happier.

By ten o clock, I was sat in in the dentist office looking at the few pictures of after effects from not brushing your teeth. They were revolting but the only entertainment as my phone was on ten percent and turned off.

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