21: Epilogue.

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And the last voters appreciation goes to kate100 . Thank you all so much for reading all the way to the end and being patient with my incredibly slow updates. If you liked this story, there is a note at the end for you:)

"I'm scared Hunter." I whimpered slightly looking at my old room. It was virtually empty except for my bed, wardrobe and desk. All of my stuff was packed up in the car ready to go and I was beginning to feel homesick even though I hadn't even left yet.

"I know baby." He mumbled his chin resting on my head. "But you'll do great. You'll fit in perfectly. We both will."

"And I'll never see you, we're doing different courses." I turned round to look at him. "You'll be on one side of the campus and I'll be on the other."

"No I won't. We're both on the same side, I made sure." I smiled at him softly. "Come on we need to get to the car now."

I nodded taking one last look around my room, it just looked wrong, so empty and homeless. After a couple of minutes looking, I turned around and followed Hunter down stairs. As soon as I shut the front door behind me, I knew it was the end of the beginning.

Everyone had come to see us leave, my mum and Hunter's mum stood next to each other smiling at the pair of us and everyone else was scattered around our small garden. Lindsay was clinging onto Jonathon's hand because she was leaving the very next day and Holly and Oliver were stood leaning against the car.

"Sorry, we're late, Samuel insisted in getting another pair of shoes from him boxes." Charlie, Samuel and Cece had walked over from the connecting road Samuel lived on. Charlie and Cece had another year left of school as Charlie didn't pass enough exams and Cece was a year younger than us.

"Really Samuel?" I asked. He was going to the small university just outside of town so he could stay with Charlie on the weekends and everything. He grinned sheepishly at me and leaned against the car. "You know what? I think I might even miss your OCD over your shoes."

Everyone chuckled and I looked at everyone I wouldn't see for a long time. Jonathon, Lindsay, Holly, Oliver, Charlie, Samuel, Cece and my mum. I would miss them all so incredibly much and it was that thought that made me burst out crying. "I'm going to miss you all!" I said crying into Hunters chest

"Oh, come here baby girl." Mum held her arms open and I walked straight into them. "Now you know I can't get up and move over there for four years, I would but I can't, however, I'm only an hours drive away, okay? You'll be absolutely fine. I promise you." She paused before whispering in my ear. "And if Hunter doesn't look after you, I'll chop his balls off."

I laughed and pulled away gently, kissing her on the cheek. "Love you, mum."

"I love you too darling." I smiled as she wiped my tears around my eyes and moved onto Jonathon. "Jonathon! I'm going to miss you big guy."

I said my goodbyes to everyone before grasping Hunters hand in mine. "I think we have to go now Avery." I nodded letting more tears fall onto my cheeks and then my shirt.

"Goodbye everyone." I mumbled getting into the passenger seat. They all waved us off crowding around on our front garden and tears began to stream down my face.

"Come on Avery, if anyone can do this it's you." Hunter kept his eyes on the road but squeezed my hand softly.

So I did. I went to university.

The end!

Thank you so much to everyone who helped me write this book. That goes from the people who made me covers to the readers. You make this book, this book. I love you all so, so much and thank you for taking this journey with me.

If you liked this story!

There is a book out called Falling For Blane that's carries on this story as Cecelia's point of view. So you can go read that now!


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