8: Fights

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Hunter on the side.
It had been one week, a full seven days, since that fateful moment and in all truthfulness I could stop thinking about it. The rest of the day had been slightly awkward but after that we were back to giving each other hell, whilst trying to maintain the illusion that we were dating. Lindsay was giving me a hard time because I was and I quote, 'a whore and stealing her boyfriend.' Whatever floats her boat.

Holly and Oliver on the other hand had got themselves into a full-on relationship, nicknames and all. Holly was Oliver's cutiepie and he was her Olilolly. He had taken her on the date -a cute little picnic in the park- and there was when he asked her to be his girlfriend. Hunter had realised how much I hate pet names and decided to call me cupcake, I was the only one with the opinion that it was revolting. Everyone had thought it was adorable and some had gone as far to say we were in love and going to get married. Maybe not?

However we did realise that we would need to use a bit affectionate in public and so there were hugs, kisses on the cheek, holding hands; all that couple stuff that I gag at. It's fantastic! Note the sarcasm.

The plus side was that the nickname pissed Lindsay off, a lot. Every time he had called me it she had stormed off with her little minions and I smirked in victory to annoy her. It always works. It was easy and fun, to get a reaction out of her. So naturally, I highly enjoyed it.

"Miss Mitchell?" Mrs Brown called.

"Yes miss." I replied, she was in the middle of the register. It was the end of the lesson but had forgotten to do it earlier as Science was oh so exciting! Note more sarcasm.
After me and Charlie left the science lab, we went to go put our books in our lockers, as the biology book I was carrying was far too heavy to lug around all day.

"So, how's it going with Hunter?" She said shoving her books forcefully into her locker as her door wouldn't close because the end of the still poked out, biology haunting us from its grim grave.

"Let me guess, Holly asked you to say something?" I chuckled slamming my locker shut, knowing my best friends all too well.

"Obviously! No offence but I just think the less I know, the better. One of you will get hurt and I especially don't want that to be you, you are one of my best friends and also I don't really want to have to hit Hunter. He's not a bad guy, definitely not like he seemed before. I could have knocked that guy's lights out!" She continued. "I know it's a game but if you win, don't hurt him, even if he is a player."

I sighed. "I know. He's nicer and it makes it just that little bit harder. Although, maybe we could just not fall for each other and everything turns out fine?"

"We both know that won't happen. You two are good, likeable people. Also, with all the time spent with each other, the kisses, hugs and everything, it impossible. I'm sorry." She added. "But maybe both of you could fall for the other. Let's just keep that as a possibility?"

I tried to smile but for some reason I just couldn't. It was like my cheeks were stuck in a downwards position.

"Come on let's get to lunch, yeah?" I nodded and Charlie pulled on my arm slightly as I had yet to actually move from my spot. "Come on then!"
* * *

"Hey cupcake!" Hunter chirped kissing my cheek and sitting next to me, shoving his tray with a burger on it onto the table we were sat at.

"Hey, you coming to take my pizza again tonight?" I grinned.

"Definitely, it's my turn to choose what goes on tv after all." He chuckled. After a week or so we realised that we might as well have a rota for it. So every other night we chose what goes on tv as the other chooses the takeaway we get; usually it was pizza but we had curry a couple of nights into the second week. This was our last week, for some reason I was kind of disappointed but it wound be nice for some peace and space from constantly having the jock around.

"So the dance is soon. We need to get our dresses, want to go shopping on the weekend?" Holly said. She carried on after we nodded.

"That reminds me. Excuse me?" Hunter got up and stood on an empty table some of the year below had just vacated. Everyone had shut up because the mighty Hunter Matthews was speaking. "Since it's the dance in just less than a month, I would like to take the time now to ask Avery a question. Will you do me the pleasure of going to the dance with me?"

"Definitely." I grinned.

"Definitely?" He smiled a smile so beautiful and so huge Leonardo Dicaprio would be out of a job.

"Definitely." He jumped off the table, kissing me on the cheek and throwing his arms round my neck. I giggled and hugged him back, my arms around his waist as Lindsay stormed out... again.

* * *

Me, Holly, Charlie and Samuel all had Spanish after lunch. We were walking down the corridor as Lindsay stormed towards us.

"Everyone stare at the middle of her forehead." She stopped right in front of us, breaking our stride. She was ranting on about something but I was too focused on holding back my laughter. She saw us staring and gasped running to the girls toilets, realising something must be on her forehead.
We laughed for about a full two minutes before getting stuff out our lockers by the time she came back. I could literally see the steam blowing out her ears and she glared at me like I was crap on her new designer shoes.

"You bitch! You think you can just take over my life? Well it's not going to work. You are a desperate whore, I mean come on! You are a jealous cow; you think taking my boyfriend will work, ha, fat chance, I am queen bee and guess what, I always will be. Hunter is just doing this to make me jealous, well you can tell him we can get back together because we are perfect with each other, torturing himself just to get back with me? How sweet of him. No matter what you do, how you try, you will always be in my shadows. Always one longing step behind me." She growled like the dog she was. Then she did what would shock me forever, she slapped me. She had the effing guts to hit me.

She tried to saunter off once she turned around however, I was not letting her leave after that. I pulled on her hair so her face was next to mine. "No one, and I mean no one, does that and gets away with it." I whispered sharply in her ear.

I let go of her hair and she straightened out. "You will regret that, bitch."

I chuckled, "No, actually, I won't." She raised one eyebrow before my fist collided with her eye. She screeched as I smirked. However, as the compact made her begin to fall she grabbed my hair pulling me down with her. I sat on top of her stomach pinning her arms down with my hands and knees. "No, no I really don't think I will."

Suddenly she had rolled us over and she was on top. "You have messed with the wrong girl." I raised my eyebrows and she punched on the jaw; I'm not going to lie, it hurt like a female dog. We kept on rolling and tumbling around the floor whilst a crowd formed around.

"My office, now!" A voice pierced through the hallway silencing everyone in mere seconds.

So, how'd you like it? Spent a long time on this, new story coming out soon called Finding Evelyn. So you may have to wait a bit but it's an easyish plot to write out. Enjoy that when it comes out. Anyway,
hoped you liked it.




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