6: Movie Days

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I trudged my way downstairs as the thuds hit the door in loud knocks. I glared at the door wishing it would stop, and then I realised there were three familiar figures stood behind the unclear glass. I slammed the door open, it hitting the wall behind, and walked over to the living room.

It was nine o'clock in the morning and I was in pyjama shorts and a big jumper, my hair had been scraped up into a messy ponytail and I was glaring at everything and everyone. I had just woken up, I was not a happy girl. My eyes were gently closely even as I was stood up and I was rapidly falling asleep on my feet.

When I had got to the living room I collapsed onto the familiar, black sofa. "You better have a bloody good reason to be here at this time." I growled at them. Fidgeting slightly to get comfortable I brought my knees to my chest and let my eyes close almost letting the sweet dreams into my head.

"Yup. It's our monthly movie day stupid. How can you forget every month seriously it's always on the third Sunday of each month. All of us remember, why can't you?" Holly chirped dropping her duvet over the arm of the sofa. I heard a rustle of a bag and peered put of one eye she had taken out an Asda bag and pulled a mountain of sweet foods from inside.

"I do remember. You idiots always come at nine in the morning when I've just woken up, so I have no clue what is going on. I'm incredibly sorry for liking my precious sleep and not wanting to be up this early. Crap, are they M and Ms. You know I love you guys so much right?" I grinned waking up a little bit grabbing a packet off the table; after I opened it I pulled out an orange one and spat it out. "Peanut ones? I hate you guys so much."

They all burst into giggles and Samuel's chuckles didn't stop like the girls did. I was about to ask why he was laughing so much when I saw a phone in his hand. "Oh, you are so dead." I shouted and ran after him around the house. We ended up landed on my bed in a heap laughing our heads off.

"Seriously delete it." He sighed and did before shoving his phone in his pocket.

"Bye honey we're going!" I shouted an okay down the stairs and heard the door slam shut behind my mum. Every movie day they would go to the cinema and bowling with Jonathon, I used to fight against it as I wanted to spend with him too but I realised mum needed her space too.

"Okay let's get up and pick out a movie. Charlie you can go make the popcorn, Sam you can get the chocolate out of the cupboard, Holly you can get the movie and I'll stay here." What can I say? I was comfortable but I knew I had to peel myself away from my bed to get to the sofa, qhich was not half of what my bed was.

Once we were downstairs, Holly had slipped the DVD in and we were all crashed around the room. Sam and Charlie were cuddling on the small two seated in the corner, I was spread out on the three seater under a blanket and Holly was sitting on several cushions on the floor.

The title came on and I grinned. "Good choice Holly. Except I think after this we might need a happier movie after this because I don't want to be crying all day, can we have She's The Man next? God, Zac Efron is so fit, I mean, look at him!"

"Yeah I would trade Samuel any day for him. Sorry babe, but can we just sit and appreciate Zac's abs. I wouldn't mind waking up next to him in the morning. I bet he's good in bed." I giggled at Samuel's glare on Charlie as she stared obliviously at the tv screen.

Me, Charlie and Holly were sat in tears at Charlie St Cloud where Charlie and Sam were talking about Charlie replacing him with the girl. "But- but no Charlie don't leave him. No, you can't do this, he's your brother. She's just some girl, even I wouldn't ask you to give up family like that." Holly sobbed, tears running down her face. "You just can't."

Soon Channing Tatum and Amanda Bynes were in their dorm room in She's The Man. We were all laughing and smiling but Samuel seemed a bit pissed off. So, I grabbed the remote and paused it. "What's up Sammy Bear?"

"The sky." I glared at him jokingly. "Fine, fine. I just think maybe I should have some guy friends because these movies are shit. There are no hot girls in it and I feel like I'm losing my masculinity."

"Babe, you never had any in the first place." Charlie joked.

I glared at her slightly before looking at Samuel. "But you have like all the boys on the football team and all the guys on the swimming team, Sam."

"Yeah but none of them are in our close knit group are they? I feel like I need at least one guy to spend time with as well as you guys." I sighed slightly because I had to get up from my warmth and comfort, signalled one second on one hand and walked out the room carrying my phone in the other.

* * *

"God Megan Fox is like sex on legs." I scrunched up my face in disgust and kicked Hunter's leg. Transformers was alright but the running commentary wasn't something I could put up with for long. I has kicked so many times and they kept getting harder. "Hey!"

"Thank you someone who likes girls for once!" Samuel exclaimed. I smiled slightly, it pained me that we weren't enough for him but he was right, he was the only guy in our group. I was annoyed that Hunter was here but he was the only one available on short notice. There were a few decent guys off the football team on my phone but they were all at a game and Hunter was the only other person left.

For my go I picked Sherlock season one. Benedict Cumberbatch had to be one of my favourite actors of all time. I pulled my knees to my chest and held a cushion to my chest. "Just to let you all know when me and Benedict get married, you are all invited. Well, except maybe for you Hunter. Maybe you can come but don't bring one of your hoes, Benedict doesn't need to be put through that pain and torture, especially on our wedding day."

I stared at the screen barely blinking. Have you seen his face? "You know Avery, he isn't food. You look like you're going to go kiss the screen."

"Yeah but the things I would do to him if he was covered in chocolate." I licked my lips and Hunter groaned obviously annoyed.

"You know if you want, I'll do all of those things with you, there's a bedroom upstairs, we could just nip upstairs for a while and come back down when we're done." He have me a smirk  raising a brow at me.

Bursting out laughing, I choked out. "Good one."

"I'm not joking I could rock your world, all you have to do is say when and where." He winked.

"A hundred years from now, when we're both in hell." I looked across at him. "Could you get any cheesier?"

"Only if you want me too."

Thank you all for reading. Please vote because it gives me my inspiration to write and I really appreciate it! If you love Benedict like I dooo you should definitely vote bc why not?




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