Bloodline Secret

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*Lizzy growled and hit her fist on the table*
Lizzy: I hate being related to that son of a bitch...
Casey: heh... try having him as your ex.
*Lizzy cringed at that thought*
Lizzy: touché.
*Luminara then teleported in, sending the disturbance though didn't seem much too concerned*
Luminara: The Demon King I presume? My, he is quickly getting used to his godly powers... that's not very good.
Lizzy: you... you knew?!
*Luminara looked away and regrettably nodded*
Lizzy: then why did you let Zagan turn him immortal?! Or even get so close that he was the guardian of you and Zagan?!
Luminara: because we thought he wouldn't realize... we thought we could change him for the better. I saw good in him!
Lizzy: then you were a fool... I would know if there was good in someone and I don't see any from him...
Kiara: *walking in and authoritatively * enough.
*Luminara and Lizzy shut up and looked over to Kiara*
Kiara: I inherited my fathers memories to, I'm his current incarnation. I remember it, I saw potential in him. It is saddening to see that the corruption won, just as we thought we could steer him away from it.
*Lizzy looked at Kiara and Luminara in pity as Kiara's eyes went melancholy when she mentioned it*
Lizzy: ... sorry...
*Kiara smiled and put her hand on Lizzy's shoulder*
Kiara: it's ok... you didn't have a choice in being intertwined in his bloodline.
*Lizzy nodded, and then Kiara stood back up and looked around*
Kiara: well... he had brought 2 magick users with him when it happened... troubling.
Luminara: I'm sure we can defeat them easily however... I've seen those forces and their no match for immortal powers.
*Kiara sensed more and realized something else, putting her hand on her mouth a bit as she got a bit shocked*
Luminara: what's wrong daughter?
Kiara: it's... actually not going to be as easy as you say... will wise.
Luminara: *confused* what do you mean?
*Kiara looked at Luminara regrettably as she showed her mother the vision she had, and that's when Luminara knew what she meant*
Luminara: ... no... he wouldn't...
*Luminara trembled to the ground as she went pale, her eyes full of sorrow once again*
Luminara: ... Thalia...
Luminara: *screams out in sorrow* THALIA!!!
*Kiara hugged Luminara, pity filling her eyes. The others were confused... but figured it wasn't the time to ask questions about it*
*The room was silent... the only noise eminating was Luminara's cries*
*Thalia was watching over the baby with a smile. When she had been resurrected, she had no memory of who she was other than her first name and that she was a Dark Iso witch*
Thalia: cute little one... *smiles*
*she knew nothing, blissfully unaware, knowing her only purpose now was to serve the one who brought her back from the dead*
*... The Demon King*

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