Chapter 24

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Kara's p.o.v.

I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I jump out of bed and I almost trip over the clothes along my bed and I run to the kitchen.

"Do I smell bacon and eggs here now?" I shout when I run to the kitchen it makes Lena laugh

"yup you smell eggs and bacon that I actually brought to bed. But now that you are already here we eat them here is also less work to clean up everything" she say and I walk up to her and I kiss her

"What time should you start working today?" I ask her while we are eating

"I don't think I'll start working until noon" she say

"Okay good"

"And you?"

"I have to go to Catco for a meeting in a moment and then I can come back home if you want so we have some time together"

"Okay sounds good. I have to be at the office at 2pm at the latest because then my meetings start"

"Okay" I say and we finish breakfast we clean up the table together and I go to Catco. Or she thinks that. I'm actually going to my apartment to call the orphanage about Lilly-May.

I arrive at my apartment and sit at the table. I take the piece of paper with the number on it and I call the number with my mobile phone. After a few rings, a woman answers the phone.

"Good morning. With orphanage happy smiles" the woman's voice says gently

"Good morning. You speak with Kara Danvers" I say

"How may I help you?"

"I wanted to get some information about a girl who would stay with you. Her name is Lilly-May"

"Yes she lives here. What would you like to know?"

"Me and my girlfriend would like to get to know her if she's not adopted yet"

"Okay. No she has not yet been discussed for adoption because she is a lot to handle. She is a very sweet girl but she has a spirited character"

"When could we come visit her?"

"Would fit in an hour?"

"Is good we will be there. See you later"

"Okay see you later" she say and she hangs up to phone.

It's now 9 a.m. and we need to be there at 10 p.m. so I hope that's alright for Lena because she has meetings in the afternoon and I don't know how long time this will take, but I think that she will do everything for her daughter like she will do everything for me.

I decide to go home and pick Lena up with a excuse that we should go to the supermarket, because I want it to be a total surprise for her.

I get home and I go inside.
"Lena where are you?"

"I'm in the living room, I thought you had to work?" She aks while she raise an eyebrow

"Yeah apparently Snapper don't need me today so I came home. I thought that we could go to the supermarket together."

"Is good. Give me a minute and I will be ready" she say and she get up to change her clothes

When Lena is ready we go to her car and I start driving to the orphanage. Lena found it strange that I wanted to drive because I normally never drive. I actually hate driving but I want to keep it a surprise.

We arrive at the orphanage and I see Lena looking confused.
"This is not the supermarket" she say confused

"No it's right. I might went to Winn last night and I asked if he could find Lilly-May. We found out that her adoptive parents died in a car crash 6 months ago, since then she live her because she didn't had other family to take her in. I called this place this moring to ask if she was open for adoption and they told me that she was open for adoption because she was a lot to handle. So I set up an appointment to visit her" I explain to Lena and I see tears in her eyes

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