Chapter 22

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Lena's p.o.v.
Once we arrive at Noonan's we sit at a table in the corner and order our food.
"Now that I'm better again. Should we discuss if we will continue to live together or if we will live separately again" Kara say
"Yes, maybe. What do you want? Do you want to live separately again or do you want to stay with me?" I ask and I really hope she will say she wants to live together because I can't imagine a life without her in my house
"I do not know. When we were together we said to take it slow and not live together before we were together for a year. And after my accident, we said that if I was better, we would live separately again. But I actually like to live with you. Very honestly, I wouldn't want to live without you anymore. And I know that we have only been together for 9 months, but I would really like to stay with you. But only if that is also good for you." She says and my smile grows when she says she wants to stay with me
"Of course I want you to stay with me. Actually, I can't imagine it anymore without you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, you make me happy and you make me feel loved" I say and the uncertain look on Kara's face changes to a smile when I say that
"Okay so what would I do with my apartment?" Kara ask me
"I would not immediately get rid of it because who knows, it may not work out between us or if you need some time for yourself, you can still go there." I say
"You're the best girlfriend ever. I love you" she say
"I love you too" I say and then the foods arrive and we eat in a comfortable silence
"Eliza asked if we wanted to go there at Christmas so that we can celebrate Christmas together." Kara says after we're done eating
"I would love to come along but I have never actually celebrated Christmas and I don't want to ruin it" I say
"Have you really never celebrated Christmas?" She ask shocked
"No the Luthor's didn't celebrate Christmas, they think it's a waste of time. And I don't remember much about the time for the Luthor's. When I started living on my own I didn't feel the need to celebrate Christmas. The only time I celebrated a bit was with the Christmas parties in college. But that is not really Christmas" I say
"Then now is the ideal time to celebrate Christmas with my family" she says cheerfully
"Okay I will come along I have to make sure that I adjust my work schedule" I say
"Do you really work with the holidays?" she ask surprised
"Yes what else should I do. My employees usually have 2 weeks off to spend with their family, but I always continue working on my projects" I explain
"That is very generous that you give your employees 2 weeks off. And this year you should also take some time off with the holidays, then I will make sure I also have some time off from work" she say
"Maybe we can go on vacation after Christmas?" I ask her
"And spend New Year on vacation" she suggest
"Yeah. Where do you want to go?" I ask
"I don't know. We can go on a beach vacation but we could also go skiing or snowboarding. Whatever you want" she say
"A beach vacation sounds good" I say
"Where do you want to go?" Kara ask
"Let me choose a place. Then it will be a surprise to you" I say
"It better be good" she chuckle
"Oh it will be good" I say confident
We pay for the food and we go outside. It's already dark. We decide to take a walk through the city.

After walking for a while we pass a karaoke bar
"Can we go in here" Kara ask because she loves karaoke
"Fine but I'm not going to sing" I say
"Why not? Everyone sings here and certainly not everyone sings well" she say
"I can't sing" I simply say but that's actually a lie
"I can't force you, but I'd like you to sing with me" she say and we find a table to sit on
"I'm going to choose a song" she says when she gets up and walks to the songbook with the DJ. I order 2 drinks and the drink arrives at the same time as Kara returns.
"Which song did you choose?" I ask her curiously
"You'll hear when it's my turn" she says with a grin

We sit for a while chatting and listening to the singing of the other people and indeed not everyone can sing here. After my 3rd drink I feel a little bit tipsy. Suddenly they call Kara's name and she gives me a kiss and goes to the stage. The music starts and I hear my favorite love song. And Kara starts to sing.

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