Chapter 17

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Kara's p.o.v.
Time skip to Monday

I've spend the whole weekend with Lena and it was amazing. Today is Monday and we need to work again. We decided that we only would spend the weekends together for now because we want to keep it lowkey and we want to give each other space to adapt to having a relationship because we both been single a long time and even tho I wish to be constant with Lena I also know that we both I know that it won't work if we would go to fast.

I'm at work and I'm just working on some articles when Alex calls me. I quickly go to the DEO.
"What's the problem?" I ask as I walk in
"An alien attack in metropolis and because Clark is Argo you need to go" Alex say
"Okay" I say and I flew out I arrive in Metropolis and I see an alien attacking several people on the street. I land just in front of the alien and I hit him the alien falls to the ground but straight up again. I have a short battle with the alien before I can overpower him and handcuff him. I help the alien straight and I just want to fly back to the DEO so they can lock him up when suddenly I feel a sharp pain, I feel my back and I scream in pain. It is kryptonite I feel it.
"Supergirl what happened?" J'ohn ask through my earpiece
"I got shot with kryptonite in my back" I say
"I'm on my way to safe you. Try to hide somewhere with the alien" he say
I get up and try to walk to an alley but I fall back. The alien in handcuffs pulls out of my grip and runs away.
"J'ohn you need to go after the alien I will safe myself" I say
"You've been shot with kryptonite you can't safe yourself" he shout worrying
"My task is to keep the citizen safe and as long as the alien is free the citizens are not safe so catch the alien first and then come get me" I command him I know he is actually my boss but the safety of the citizens is more important to me

I try again to stand up but I fail and I pass out. When I wake up again I am not in the DEO but in a place I do not recognize. I hear footsteps getting closer and someone enters the room at first I don't recognize who it is but when I look again I see that it is Lex.
"Hello Supergirl" he say
"Nice work out there with the alien. Although it is a pity that it was just a trap and actually meant to catch Superman but you are good too" he say
"What do you want from me?" I ask and to be honest I'm scared but I don't show it
"All aliens dead because you guys are evil" he say
"And I want to destroy Superman" he say
"Why you were once good friends" I say
"That was before I found out he's an alien. He lied to me about who he was" he say
"What are you going to do with me?" I ask
"Some tests to see how I can best torture Kryptonians and give them a painful slow death." He say with evil in his eyes
"So you want to kill me to test out how you can kill Superman?" I ask
"Exactly" he say and he leave.

I start walking in my room because I am really scared. What if the DEO doesn't find me on time? What if he really kills me? I don't want to die yet. I have not yet been able to tell Lena that I love her and I want to do so many more things with her.

Alex p.o.v.
J'ohn returns with the alien but without Kara.
"Where is Kara?" I ask worried
"I couldn't find her anymore" He say with sad eyes
"What you couldn't find her anymore?" I ask
"She said to catch the alien first and then pick her up. But when I got to her location she was no longer there. I was hoping she would be here" He say and he hand the alien over to someone else
"No Kara isn't here" I say
"Have you heard from Kara?" he ask
"No. Brainy try to contact Supergirl" I say
"Okay" Brainy say and he try to contact her but she doesn't reply
"Fuck" I say I don't want to lose my sister I think by myself
"J'ohn we need to go to the Fortress of solitude" I say
"Why" he ask surprised
"Because Kara and Clark invented a device to find kryptonians so we have to go there if we want to find Kara" I say
"I can transport you to there with the portal" Brainy say
"Quickly transport us there" I command him and he transfer me and J'ohn to there
"Here is the control panel you can understand Kryptonian?" I ask while I walk to the control panel
"No but we can ask Kelex" he say
"Kelex where are you?" I shout
"Here I'm Miss Danvers" he say and comes out
"We need you to search Kara" J'ohn say
"Okay give me a minute" Kelex say
"Kara is in Metropolis in some shed. It is a warehouse of Lex" Kelex say
"Thank you Kelex" I say
"J'ohn we need to go back to the DEO and come up with a plan" I say and we transfer back to the DEO

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