Chapter 22

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This chapter wasn't in my original plan, this is dedicated to a dear fan of the story! :)

I had a fun time writing this story and I truly hope everyone had a good time reading it. :)

A BIG THANK YOU! To everyone who followed and left encouraging feedback. It meant the world!

Enjoy Chapter Twenty Two!

Let me know your thoughts so far! Trust me, it helps loads! :) Stay safe beautiful people!



2 Years After Marriage...

Draco hurriedly walked past their wedding portrait.

Hermione smiled brightly and Draco had his arm around her protectively, grinning as their friends threw flower petals at them.

They had a blissful marriage.

The deep void he had felt all his life was gone, it was replaced by warmth and love.

Despite the odds, they had survived.

He could clearly hear retching.

This was the second day in a row.

Stubborn bloody Gryffindor refusing to go to St Mungo's.

Draco had reached the end of his patience, he would carry her there if he had to.

Pushing the door open, he spoke softly, "Hermione, are you alright, love?"

Crouching down, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and held her hair up as she violently became sick again.

Getting to her feet, Hermione rinsed her mouth, used a spell to clean it further and replied miserably, "Hmm..."

Holding onto her head, she complained, "My head feels so heavy, and my mouth feels like something died in it."

Crawling into bed, she pulled the covers all the way to the top.

Draco sat down next to his wife and rubbed her leg over the duvet.

He said firmly, "No work! I'll tell Kingsley myself if you force me, I will take the day off myself."

He pressed urgently, "We need to go to St Mungo's. I'm officially worried, darling."

Smiling weakly, Hermione reached for Draco's hand.

"I want to do a pregnancy test," she told him seriously.

It had been on her mind to do it but somehow never got around to it.

He was pleasantly surprised, " think?"

Despite her exhausted state, she replied excitedly, "It's a possibility. I'm late anyway."

Draco moved closer and placed his hand on her stomach, "You could be carrying my child right now?"

He was beside himself with happiness.

Pushing him aside, she sprinted to the bathroom and doubled over the commode.

She had been sick for days and her mood swings were nasty and unpredictable, all consistent signs of pregnancy.

Just the night before, she yelled at him for not throwing away an empty milk container.

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