Chapter 19

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Thank you so much for everyone who posted a review and for everyone following! It means so much! :)


This chapter had me crying above all others. The emotions are so raw and real. Hope everyone enjoys it! :)

I want to stress how important and fierce friendship can be! :)

Please read and review. I love reading reviews because it helps motivate my writing while other reviews help me become a better writer.

To all the comments: - WOW! I'm blown away! All I ask is that you bear with me! :) :)

Please follow and continue reading the story when updated, it's pretty cool! :)

Enjoy Chapter Nineteen!

Let me know your thoughts so far! Trust me, it helps loads! :) Stay safe beautiful people!


At No. 12 Grimmauld Place...

Ron hung his head and asked, "Why won't it work Harry?"

He was back from his training exercise in Russia.

Harry drank his butterbeer and replied sternly, "Hermione is still hung up on Malfoy, you need to stop this."

Ron's face fell and he looked away miserably.

Harry took in Ron's pained face and said gently, "Look, mate, be her friend, right now that's all she needs and not you rushing her to give you another chance."

Not that she would, but Harry kept that to himself.

Ron looked away, "I still love her so much."

Harry rose and placed his hand on his best friends shoulder, "I know, but Hermione's not where you want her to be."

Ron glanced at Harry sadly and desperately.

Once he learnt of Hermione's attack, he had been devastated.

He called her from Russia and checked with Ginny every single day about her wellbeing.

He was angry at his friends for keeping something so important from him.

Harry dismissed his ridiculous notions and explained that it was a classified matter and that had been the end of the discussion.

Malfoy Manor...

The press was having a field day pairing him up with Astoria.

It had become so unbearable, that Draco marched down to The Prophet and threatened the Editor with closure.

The only relationship they shared was concerning the Swedish project and nothing else.

He was having dinner with his mother at the Manor.

It had been weeks since he had been to his ancestral home and he missed his mother dearly.

Narcissa dabbed the corners of her mouth and asked seriously, "Are you currently in a relationship with Miss Greengrass?"

Draco choked on his wine, "Not you too mother."

She raised an eyebrow, "So, it is not true?"

Draco laughed, "Of course, it's not true. I do not have feelings for Astoria. I never have, you know this."

He was getting sick of explaining this to everyone.

Narcissa waved her hand casually, "It is hard to keep track of your love life, Draco."

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