Chapter 11

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A really fun chapter! Had a blast writing it! Chocolate and Quidditch can be so much FUN!

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Enjoy Chapter Eleven!

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Another Muggle death.

The mood in the room was strained with tension and unease.

Kingsley, Harry and Draco contemplated, what the fuck they were going to do.

The attacks were getting bolder, stronger and in plain sight, it was a risk to the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy.

Immediate action had to be taken.

Harry himself, visited the family of the poor farmhand and offered the best in the way of condolences he could, before wiping their minds.

Kingsley massaged the bridge between his nose in worry and frustration, "Malfoy, any news to report?"

"None you will welcome, Minister," Draco replied grimly.

Harry groaned in frustration, "Why the fuck is this taking so long? Where the hell are they hiding?"

"Calm down Potter, we will catch them," Draco reassured him.

"Malfoy is right Harry, we are closing in on them," Kingsley's voice boomed in agreement with Draco.

Draco leaned forward, "One small fucking slip is all we need to nail them, they are bound to fuck up soon."

Harry regained his composure, "Yes, you are right! I just want to end this before another death!"

Too many people had already died for Voldemort's cause.

Kingsley patted Harry's shoulder in understanding, "I know Potter, this hits too close to home, for all of us."

He exchanged a solemn look with Draco.

Despite his cool and collected demeanour in front of the Minister and Potter, Draco was extremely angry and frustrated at the lack of progress in the capture of these bastards.

He made up his mind to double all efforts and pay a personal visit to Knockturn Alley and his slimy but useful informant, Claude.

Hermione massaged the back of her neck.

Despite the late nights, the planning of the Anniversary celebration was well underway and coming together nicely.

A knock on the door made her lookup.

"Is the meeting over?" she asked the man leaning casually against her door.

He walked in slowly and approached her table in three strides and asked curiously, "Are you working late again?"

His eyes took in the pieces of parchment on her table.

She nodded sadly, "You carry on, babe, I'll be there soon."

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