Chapter 9

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The story is expanding and this chapter is the first step towards that!

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Enjoy Chapter Nine!

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True to his word, Draco never left her side.

Despite the unfortunate, yet fateful circumstance that led Hermione to Draco's flat and arms, she found herself happy and having fun with the one man who could match her intellectually.

It had been a long time since she felt this kind of bliss.

The sanctuary that he provided was rapidly coming to an end and she dreaded having to go back to an empty bloody flat and bed.

They spent most of their time talking, reading, watching movies while cuddled up on his couch, cooking where he proved himself to be quite the adequate chef but mostly, they spent time in bed.

Hermione lost count of the times they had fucked and made love.

Draco was an unbelievable lover; he had always been good but somehow, he was even better now.

When he touched her, everything else melted away, Draco treated her body like a temple.

They were making up for the years apart but her need for him wasn't sated, she doubted it ever would be.

She loved his hands on her body and how he knew exactly what to do and what she liked best; he could bring her to orgasm faster than anyone else.

Her body felt deliciously spent.

The only thing that worried Hermione, was the nightmare Draco had on their second night together.

She kept the book aside and closed her eyes in deep thought.

The night before...

Sleepily, she moved away from him and turned to her side snuggling into a pillow, when she had heard him whimper in his sleep, "Please stop, please don't hurt her, take me instead."

Hermione quickly moved to his side and touched his face in concern, "Draco, please wake up," she whispered, brushing his hair back lovingly.

He sat up in alarm, breathing hard and looked around him wildly like a caged animal trying to escape.

She gently reached out and touched his face to make her presence known, he had pulled her to him and held her in a bone-crushing hug.

"You're safe, you're safe," he repeated into her hair, as she stroked his back soothingly.

It was the one time Hermione had seen real fear in Draco's eyes, and unfortunately, it wouldn't be the last.

Once he pulled away, he had taken in her surprised and concerned face, "I...Err...have this reoccurring nightmare from the war," he explained hesitantly.

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