Chapter 16

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Enjoy Chapter Sixteen!

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Draco felt like hell.

His head pounded dangerously.

A dull, stabbing, pain plagued the left side of his head.

Clutching onto the sides, he gingerly rubbed his temples.

Was he in his flat?

He had woken up awkwardly sprawled across the couch, a half-empty bottle of scotch on the glass table.


The memories of the previous night came rushing back to him and so did the bile.

Draco winced in pain.

The kiss with Weasley, the words he had spoken and her grief-stricken face...

A major part of him expected her to turn up at his side, and they would make love and forget everything in each other's arms.

But how do you come back from the events of last night? How do you erase Weasley's kiss? How could he take back what he had said?

Weasley, he thought bitterly.

The fucker would pay dearly.

Checking his phone, Draco chucked it aside in frustration.

He had many calls to return but none from the person he wanted.

Not a single call. Not a single message.

Had he driven her away for good? Could he forget what happened with Weasley?

The image of Weasley kissing Hermione made his insides churn unpleasantly.

The way the bastard's fingers touched her skin.

Argh! Anger built up slowly refusing to back down and retreat.

Granger belonged to him! Always...

Draco clutched his head again, the questions and uncertainly were making his head pound dangerously.

Unsteady yet necessary, he slowly got to his feet and found his bearing.

A shower! A long fucking shower! He always thought best after a cleansing shower.

He let the water run over him, unconsciously reaching for his shampoo, he accidentally grabbed Hermione's lavender body wash instead.

Staring at the bottle, he swallowed hard.

Her wet naked body pressed up against him, her sultry moans pierced his thoughts until they consumed his mind completely.


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