Chapter 12

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QUIDDITCH! One of my absolute favourite chapters!

I always pictured Draco as being a pretty good Quidditch player. I brought that out in my story! :) :)

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Enjoy Chapter Twelve!

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"Malfoy," Harry greeted Draco cordially while fixing his gloves.

"Potter," Draco replied, tightening his own sleek black gloves.

He stretched out his fingers and made a fist, so the material adjusted nicely in-between his long fingers.

"Nice gloves, Malfoy, Diagon Alley?" Harry asked, curiously.

The sleek gloves looked good.

Draco nodded, "You should check out Blaise's Quidditch stores, he's got the latest stuff."

"I'll do that, thanks for the tip, Malfoy," Harry replied, thankful and mentally making a note to visit soon.

"You playing the Harpies first?" Draco asked with indifference.

Harry grimaced and replied sarcastically, "Yeah, and I'm looking very forward to it."

Draco laughed and offered eagerly a dangerous twinkle in his eyes, "Ours is against the Cannons."

It was the match he was looking most forward to.

Weasel Shit glared at him throughout the briefing and Draco replied in kind by showing him the finger.

Harry knew that match was not going to end well.

Ron had been going on for weeks about the damage he planned on inflicting on Malfoy.

Harry listened because it was a best friend prerequisite but in all honesty, he felt bad for Ron.

He had tried his best to talk him out of doing anything dramatic or downright stupid but his advice fell on deaf ears.

Despite his best efforts, Harry seriously doubted Ron could do much.

Malfoy was a gifted flyer, but Harry still couldn't help but wonder, what Ron had in store.

Wood and George came up from behind and shook Harry's hand.

"All set Potter?" Wood asked, looking Harry over, much like an older brother.

Harry winced, "Yeah, the muscles are sore in places."

The men laughed, they were all feeling it.

Bright sunny skies and not a cloud in sight, the weather was clearly on their side.

The atmosphere was intense but glorious.

The stadium was packed to the brim with supporters for the League teams and the retired players.

The colours of the banners and cheers of the supporters echoed throughout the Stadium.

The Daily Prophet and Quibbler ran exclusives on selected players and of course, Harry had been picked first to be featured, followed by Wood and then Draco.

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