Chapter 10

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Thank you so much for everyone who posted a review and for everyone following! It means so much! :)

A sweet, heartwarming chapter! Light smut alert! :)

I wanted to expand a bit on Hermione's parents and since not much information was available, I took the liberty of using my late fathers warm and friendly personality to describe Mr Granger! :) :)

Few references to my favourite football club and old Tv shows! ;)

Please read and review. I love reading reviews because it helps motivate my writing while other reviews help me become a better writer.

Please follow and continue reading the story when updated, it's pretty cool! :)

Enjoy Chapter Ten!

Let me know your thoughts so far! Trust me, it helps loads! :) Stay safe beautiful people!



Hermione sat at the kitchen island, one hand around a steaming cup of tea.

The other nervously tapping the glossy counter.

Even at The Leaky Cauldron, the press had been unbearable.

They had hounded her until a disgruntled Ginny told them to sod off and leave them the fuck alone.

Here she was, yet again seeking sanctuary in Draco's glossy kitchen, while the press pitched tents around hers.

She frowned at the cup of tea, perhaps something stronger was the right answer.

She sighed; it was to be expected but to this extent?

They were a newsworthy couple, Hermione grudgingly admitted.

The whole wedding disaster was the cherry on top of a very juicy story and Hermione couldn't help but wonder, if the whole Ron fucking Lavender and her running out of the wedding, would be blamed on her?

In all fairness, she had moved on fairly quickly and traded up, while Ron walked about heartbroken and unshaven, like a freaking zombie.

According to Ginny, he was not doing well.

Hermione still cared for Ron, of course, she did!

But the news of her with Draco, mainly because it was Malfoy had ripped him apart.

It was the story, you loved to hate!

One of the Golden Trio was dating ex Death Eater, school rival and overall Slytherin prat!

Who just happened to be the rich, utterly irresistible and most eligible bachelor of the Wizarding World.

Hermione could practically hear women weeping across England.

The worst part was they all wanted to know their story, but how exactly would they even begin to explain their tremulous relationship?

It would mean bringing up everything from their days together at Hogwarts and unnecessary lives would get hurt in the process.

They maintained an ironclad, "No Comment policy."

Draco dropped a protective kiss to her forehead and asked, "How was your day?"

He loosened his tie and tossed it carelessly on the counter.

Fuck he was tired!

Hermione gave it some serious thought and searched for the perfect word, "It was fucked up babe, how was yours?"

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