Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It had been six or seven weeks since my wedding. If I was to say that life with Timmy as my husband was easy then... well, I would have been lying. Not long before our marriage, he left his position in the post office, and we struggled for a while before he was taken up again, this time as a fisherman. Timmy was very devoted to his new job as a fisherman, and for that I admired him, but it meant that it became the topic of a lot of our conversations, and it wasn't always the most scintillating topic to discuss. Emma and Mary called when they could, of course, but it was not often. That's why today I intended to enjoy myself. Birthdays did not happen more than once a year, and I was determined to have a good time.

The pub was bustling for a Saturday night in Braemore; there were at least seven people inside. Emma, Mary, her husband Angus and my sister Elise were all sitting down when I arrived, and the cheers and whoops that rained upon me as I ducked my head under a low wooden beam and came into their line of sight was almost deafening. Ninety per cent of it was Emma, the rest was attributed to Mary and Angus, "Happy birthday, Rita!" said Emma excitedly, shoving a pint in my direction, "Make it rain, bitch!" Emma began to throw pound coins at me, coins that were remarkably heavy and hurt quite a bit.

"What the fuck, stop!" I snorted, batting them away.

"Why on earth did you think that was a good idea?" scolded Elise.

"That's what they do in America!" Emma insisted.

"Yes, because they have one-dollar bills, dear. Put your arm down, you'll take someone's eye out!" drawled the blonde.

"Fine," huffed Emma. It was rather odd to me, how Elise called her that - 'Dear'. I had no idea how they had become so accustomed to each other between meeting at the wedding and now, and it surprised me that not only was Elise entirely tolerable of the brunette, a rare thing, but Emma also listened to Elise - and Emma didn't listen to anyone.

"So," Mary began, cutting off my train of thoughts as she leant in eagerly, "How was your first birthday as a married woman?"

"Same as it always was," I smirked, "But more sex,"

"Revolting," Elise rolled her eyes as Emma let out an enthusiastic whoop, taking a large gulp from her pint of beer.

"Seriously, how long had this child been drinking before I arrived?" I grinned.

"I've concluded Elizabeth is just permanently drunk," guffawed Angus. Elizabeth Brown - no matter how long she called herself that, would still be Emma Slater in my eyes. It was odd to me how long ago she had revealed her past to me. God, the things I would do to that woman that broke her heart if she was here with me now. I would kill her, I thought, I really would.

"I tried to stop her!" Elise hummed, rolling her eyes, "But she wouldn't let me,"

"Did not," Emma scrunched up her nose.

"Did too,"

"Did not,"

"Did too,"

"God, you guys are like an old married couple!" Mary insisted, laughing. Elise flinched.

"Or a pair of toddlers," I giggled, standing up, "I'm gonna get myself a drink, anyone want anything?"

"You finished that beer already!?" Emma exclaimed in awe.

"Just get another round," said Angus, "And get them to water down Elizabeth's beer, please!"


"This one's on me!" Mary leant over and shoved a wad of notes in my hand and I was smiling happily as I walked away. The barman came to help me with his drinks, a young lad called Harry, and I noticed his eye straying to Emma multiple times as he set down the drinks.

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