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People sold Jesus, God's only son and our savior, for thirty pounds... Thus, we shouldn't be shocked if our parents are selling us for three thousands.

They're selling us to prisons, to jails, to cells for three thousand dollars. They pay for us in order to give us the best education they can afford, but what they don't know is that they are in fact paying for our mental destruction and intellectual ruination.

They think they do something good for us by getting us into good high schools but they don't know that in fact, they are setting locks upon our minds, forbidding us to be creative and think freely. How many of us have been forced to give up on a certain thought they had just because it was wrong? Who said it was wrong anyway? Some number on top of the paper? Or some name that's already been dead for ages? Why was his theory proven and mine was rejected? Just because they don't match doesn't mean one of them is wrong.

How many times did we have to learn something we hate? How many times did we have to study something because "that's the way it is and there is no other logical explanation"?

Who said that 1+1=2? Who can confirm that there is only so many planets in the Universe? Who can prove that it was just the apple falling on Newton that made him discover a whole new level of Physics? Why is it wrong that one's body can't live without food whilst we see some girls starving and living with nothing to eat or drink for a whole week? Why is it so important to know what water and food are made of when half of Africa don't get to taste them?!

Why do we have to be manipulated by some facts to learn when we can be discovering our own?

Einstein was a big nothing in school and yet he was given the chance to discover something! We then shall not limit our creativeness and curiosity just because someone else discovered that for us! Break the rules! Research something and discover a new fact even if you will miss out on your studies because the things you learn best are the things you discover.


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