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Dear Diary,

What I want to write today is a story so simple that shouldn't be written as a literary entry.

Today's story is about a woman I've been watching for a few days. It might sound creepy because I too am a girl, but this woman has caught my attention. I saw her the other day with a guitar. Knowing that she never went to school and is barely able to make a living, I listened to the interesting story of hers that I never asked for.

She turned out to be married to the doorman in our school. She has two kids and they go to our school too. They live in a tiny studio, all four of them, and barely get enough money to keep them going until the end of the month. If you were in my country you would think that this state the same for everyone here. However, what really interested me, was her real story.

She got her guitar as a gift, and although she barely knows how to read and write, she was able to learn to play that guitar within a few weeks, all by herself. When I heard this phrase I was astonished. Do you imagine how great this is? This is art! This is a true gift from God!

When I heard her story, I was with my music teacher. And she was the one to ask for the story of the guitar in the first place. She listened carefully and at the end of the.. first part of the story, she offered to help her with free guitar courses.

Two days ago, when I passed by her husband's small office, I found her teaching her son how to read some words. Just imagine how she's giving her all to teach her children how to read and write even though she's never learned herself how to.

And today... my joy was the greatest when I saw her small old phone in her hand, and she was making the music teacher listen to a melody she played. I passed by as if I didn't notice them but inside, I was smiling so much because now I know that there was at least one person in the world who got to live their dream.

P.S: I think that this story is not over yet, I might probably report some more when the woman starts her real career. This story wasn't just to fill in another part of "Random thoughts". I wanted all of you to see how simple yet perfect someone can be and what you can do of your gifts in such a simple way.



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